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Cultivated Reef

BoCoMo's 10g Macro Journal


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Scored a 10g(ish) Kotobuki (from Japan) cube off of craigslist. I am thinking it is time I see how things are on the dark side! (salt)


I have kept planted aquariums in various sizes for many years but I am excited to give salt a go.


I will be making this tank a macroalge tank. Not 100% sure on stocking yet but for the Macro's I am thinking Halimeda opuntia, Red Grape or Sting of pearls, and some blue ochtodes. I want to keep it pretty simple.


Here is the tank. Would welcome any pointers, tips, thoughts, feedback about anything :)


Thanks for looking!




A quick rendering of what I am thinking:



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That looks simple but nice.

Saltwater Planted tanks are much, much easier than Freshwater Planted.

Not a lot of fancy equipment needed.

I do have one minor tip for you.

I have found in the past that Macroalgaes respond well to the use of Fiji Mud somewhere in the system. I've seen it really intensify their coloration.

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Thanks for the tip! Should I do a layer under the aragonite sand? Excited to get my rock this weekend. Once I get this 10g under my belt I have a couple 40B sitting empty that may need to get reefed!


My other idea for the tank was a single torch coral (or similar) With black sand and black background.


Like so?





I like simple :)

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AWESOME! you need to go with the macro idea. It's way cooler!


Thanks! Yeah I am pretty much sold on the Macro's :) Gotta get this guy set up and cycled and then I can start sourcing my algae!

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By the time you're cycled i might have some grown out for sale/trade :) winters a rough shipping time though. Keep pictures updated please, i love watching macro tanks evolve!

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Check out the threads stickied at the top of the Macroalgae Forum for some links to Macroalgae Dominated tanks that others have done and also to some good vendors for Macros.

Keydiver is also a good person on here to get Macroalgaes from.


On the Mud: the one time I used it, it was in a small refugium hooked up to my 4g Pico tank w/Macros, and at that time it was fairly easy for me to just put a layer of mud in the bottom of the refugium.

However, the stuff can be expensive and if I did it again I'd probably either do a thin layer of Fiji Mud w/a thin layer of sand on top of that or mix it in with the sand.

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Thank you both for the input, advice, and encouragement! I have to do it as a macro since I have already called it my "Macro Journal" ;)


I will get some live rock and water from an established aquarium tomorrow and when it is all set up I will post a pic. I am just planning on using 100w 6500k cfl is this too much light? I think the spectrum is good to go.

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Not much to look at I'm afraid.


I'm also afraid that I over estimated the size. I measured for myself and recalculated that it is only about 6 gallons.


Real Pacific Ocean water (specific gravity 1.022- salinity dead on 30)

Pukani Live Rock

Fiji mud under the rocks (instead of egg crate)

Shallow layer of CaribSea live rock

Hit it with Instant Ocean Bio-Spira and will do it again after it has cycled before I add any livestock.


How soon until I can add the Macro's?


Next Project: DIY Skimmer (like this: http://vimeo.com/32682228) but with a nice glass bottle

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Nice, The mud will help a lot. When i go bigger with my macro tank i will be using mud also. You can add macros after your cycle is over. Start with cheaper ones first just in case something happens. Are you planning on using fertilizer or dosing Nitrates, phos or iron?

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I will be fertilizing for sure! :) It looks like there are a few macro's (and maybe a squirt) on the live rock so hopefully they make it through the cycle! Here is an update after the storm. It's still a little cloudy and I moved the center stone but I am still not sure about the scape. I am thinking about ordering a couple Par38's (6,500k & 10,000k w/ blue & red) other than that the skimmer is next and just waiting patiently. ;)



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What are you doing for water movement and any filtration?


Right now the only water movement is coming from the HOB. There will be a small MAME style skimmer in tank. My circulation pump should be here tomorrow and it is an Eheim 1212 Aquaball adjustable flow and direction. (hope this works out for me because the maxi-jet I tried was way too much flow.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Looks good so far, I like the pukani.


You really don't need a skimmer, as it basically just takes out excess organics that would be converted into trates and phates and used by the macros regardless. I would just let the natural filtration do the work and try not to overcomplicate things.


Any updates yet?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for checking in The tank is doing well and there isn't really much to report. I haven't found any good deals on display algae (to be truthful I haven't been looking very hard as I have been concentrating on setting up my 40) I will take a look around to see if anyone has any good deals on algae for sale and see if I can get some purchased so I can stop leaving you guys hanging :)

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  • 3 weeks later...


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