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20 gallon tank fish


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Ok, I'm having some trouble deciding what I want in my tank. I know I want 1 true perc and thats about it. I plan on having 4 or 5 small fish total and a couple corals but nothing huge. I am trying to get the most colorful variety that is possible inside my 20 (that will not be way too expensive). I also want these fish to swim around or at least stay visible. I have an engineering goby at the moment and as soon as I catch him he is gone. I dont see him more than 4 minutes per day. Here is my list so far :


1 true per (Thats the only sure thing)


1 firefish


1 royal gamma/Purpleback Pseudochromis

(or any other bright yellow fish that anyone might think of)


1 (looking for a bright blue fish here)


So basically I would like any suggestion s on a bright blueish fish. From what I have found around the interent all of the above fish are peaceful and reef compatible. I am not adding many coral so I should be able to get away with 4-5 small fish.


Thanks for any help


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I keep 2 fish in my 16g bowfront. I have a sixline wrasse and a false perc. The goby I provided the link for is an ideal fish for smaller tanks.

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