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Coral Vue Hydros

Algae Problems


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I have a 55gal. FO tank and I have been having problems with green hair algae and some brown algae. I plan to start using RO/DI water from a unit I just bought (I know that I should have been using it from the begining, bad advice from lfs) and maybe a Kent Marine Phosphate Sponge. Is this going to be enough? If so how long (approx.) should it take to clear up? Thanks for listening.

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I've used both the Kent phosphate sponge and the Seachem PhosGuard. My vote is for the Seachem stuff, hands down. The Kent stuff will leach phosphate back into your tank after a couple of days -- they even warn you about this in their instructions. The Seachem stuff turns brown when it gets exhausted. I'm currently recharging a bunch of the Seachem stuff -- it's sitting outside in the sun tea jug I used to use for a brine shrimp hatchery.

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Glenn... you said fish only, yes?


RO water is strongly recommended! But nitrates, basically fertilizer will cause algae problems as well... checked that level lately? Then there is water temps on the high side... lengthy light periods, overfeeding, and so on.


None of these things you mentioned and I don't know what they are... you may want to look at these as well, hey why not even get a few snails and hermits?

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Now that you mention it, I have been feeding them alot here lately. As far as my nitrates go I'm pretty sure they are somewhat high (been a while since I tested). They lights are on for a while, because my wife and I have such erradict work schedules, I know I need to invest in some timers. I do have however about 3 snails. BTW, you guys are going to have to bear with me here, it's not that I'm a bad aquarist, it's just that I have had some bad advice from lfs, and I have just discovered these message boards. My lfs is not a reef store nor is it much of a marine fish place, they mostly sell reptiles, freshwater fish, dogs, etc. So now I am trying to atone for my mistakes (about 8 months too late!). I have learned alot in the last 3 months between these message boards and some good books. But anyway about the snails, when I bought them I was going to get a bunch of them but the lfs said all I needed was a few because they reproduce like crazy (I have had them for about 6 months and have not seen any moore than the three I bought). I did, at one time, have a few emerald green crabs, but I think my trigger ate them:( I am having a hard time finding a clean up crew with the residents that I have, namely Clown Trigger, Niger Trigger, and a mean Blue Devil Damselle. Any recomendations?? Sorry about the novel, I usually try to keep it short. Thanks for letting me bend your ear.

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