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Coral Vue Hydros

Is this Red Titan Algae?


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I tried researching the name of this algae but Red Titan algae was the closest I could find. Any other suggestions? It just started growing a few months back and is now slightly smaller than a golf ball size.


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No, you lucky dawg, I believe it's a form of halymenia. Not easy to get and best to get it naturally attached to rock as you have it now. It probably feels soft and smooth to the touch. It likes moderate to high flow. It will grow bigger and faster for you in high flow areas. I've seen pieces that were over a foot long right in front of the aquarium pump, waving like a flag. The down side is that it's difficult to frag culture it. Meaning, if you cut parts out from it and tie or glue it on a rock, they wont survive long term.


Red titan algae is moderately calcified, so it feels slightly hard to the touch, in a crunchy, 'crinckly' sort of way.

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Awesome. Thanks!


This is definitely soft and wavy vs. the harder red titan algae you described. I've had the tank going for almost a year and it just started growing out of nowhere a few months ago. It's in a moderate flow area and growing fairly well. Too bad it doesn't frag well. Thanks again for the help.

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  • 2 months later...

looks like what i have, and i also have a thread on here asking about it. not sure if it's the same exactly but you can look at my pix and compare with yours :)

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