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majano or not what is the truth?


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New to nano reef. I've got a 75 reef and a 10 gallon. A friend of mine recently gave me two anemones and I don't recall where he got them but anyway he said they were majanos. I have seen majanos at LFS before so I didnt think that was the case. I have since spent hours looking through various forums and google image search's trying to find out what they are. from what I can tell most people say they are majanos but there is always a few people on every thread that say no, and I happen to agree with them. there is a thread from the reef tank with a prime example and a wonderful picture to illustrate the situation. Here is the link to the thread, You can actually see in the picture the anemone in question and then a real majano anemone below it in the picture.



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Does your clown actually host in it, or was that just a coincidence when you took the photo?


I can't help you with the ID, I'm just curious.

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I almost forgot. I have also tried to find what the max size for a majano is and havent really seen anyone comment on the largest majano they have or have seen. What is the biggest majano anyone has had in there tank or seen in someones tank. The ones I've seen at different LFS are generally no bigger than a nickel or maybe a quarter at the most. I also know they have had plenty of time to grow and reproduce there so it doesnt seem like they are getting any larger. The ones from that post and the ones I have in my tank are large. The biggest is almost 3" across oral disc when spread open. very similar to the above picture in comparison.


That picture is not mine its from the post I linked to. It certainly looks like the clown is liking it though!

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Here is one next to a 12 head hammer. As you can see the disc is about as large as one of the hammer heads. there are also some protopalys in the background for reference



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