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Maroon in this tank? O boy . . .help me


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I have planned a 26 gallon bowfront nano-reef, with pc lights, the new aqua c nano skimmer (when released), 26 lbs. LR, and low light corals. I really want to have a single clownfish, and while I have kept gold stripe maroons and percula's succesfully in much larger, separate systems, will a single maroon in a 26 bow be too confined for its long term health? I want to do the right thing here, and if not, then I might have to go with a single true perc instead (solomon islands).


What do you think? Which one and a tiny bit of "why" along with it.



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Thank you tempest, I appreciate the long time sacrifice you made, and others did not, to let me know your thoughts !


:( :*(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Clowns are odd fish. If you get one and it remains sexless(or male) then it wont get much bigger then 3" max which would be fine.


But if it goes female then it could get up to 6"+ which would be ok for the tank but the fish would probly be happier in a larger tank.



So your two choices are get a maroon and chance it and if it gets to gib swap it out, or get percs.


just FYI girl i work with has her mated pair of GBM in a 30g bow with thier BTA and they are just fine and breeding.

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