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Coral Vue Hydros

What to do with a switch wire?


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I am retrofiting my JBJ Nano Cube with a light taken out of another hood. Shouldn't be that difficult but to remove the light and the balast, and add it to the Cube, but what do I do with a wire that's conected to the ON/OFF switch? Sorry for being stupid... :blush:

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in my 30" CSL PC hood, i removed the switches all together. since i use timers there is no need to have on/off switches. switches can be a weak link in wiring when dealing w/ electrical current..

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switch is installed "in-line" on the positive wire. ...just bypass it. 2 wires... positive and negative.


im not sure what your asking by leaving it hanging...???

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What I mean is, if I dont need to use the on/off switch, what should I do with the extra wires that were the old on/off? can I just put elec tape on them or do I need to connect them to anything?


Sorry, I'm no good with elecs, and not sure what you mean by "bypass"

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purple firefish

A switch is merely a break in the wire. When the switch is in the on position the circuit is closed and the light works. When the switch is in the off position the circuit is broken not allowing electricity to flow to the light. If you do not need the switch simply take the two wires that were going to the switch and twist them together using a wire nut or electrical tape. This will allow the circuit to be in a continuous loop with electricity always going to the light. That is what I did with my CSL retros and use the timer as the switch.

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thats what i did and took electrical tape and taped the wires together then taped that to the ceiling of the hood

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matt the fiddler

taping to the celing of the hood won't last.. especially wiht heat..


go and at least get either a crimper, or some twist wire securers at a hardware store.. then use the tape for the water proofing part..

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