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Coral Vue Hydros

Hair algae help


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Hello everyone,


I am having some issues getting rid of hair algae that is on my zoas. I have tried pulling the hair algae off by hand. I have also tried to starve of the algae and tried leaving the tank lights off in hopes it would die and it just keeps staying. All of my tank values are in perfect order and the rest of my tank is hair algae free it just seems to hang out on my zoas. I am running low on ideas and I am looking for a few suggestions.







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Hello everyone,


I am having some issues getting rid of hair algae that is on my zoas. I have tried pulling the hair algae off by hand. I have also tried to starve of the algae and tried leaving the tank lights off in hopes it would die and it just keeps staying. All of my tank values are in perfect order and the rest of my tank is hair algae free it just seems to hang out on my zoas. I am running low on ideas and I am looking for a few suggestions.








Most of your hermits will eat it, blue leg, scarlet, etc. Turbo snails eat it too. Not sure how good a turbo is going to get in between polyps though. Not sure what else you can do...

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One word.,., GFO reactor.,


Also test your magnesium., If you can keep your Magnesium up and your phosphates down., algae will be a problem of the past for you.

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Okay I did the peroxide dip I did about a 30% solution and left in for 5mins. I think I got most of the algae but still have some more to get rid of. When can I dip again?






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Hey finally some before and after pics! w link this to the big peroxide thread thanks for posting.


You can take out the rocks and spot treat this time, apply the peroxide right to the bad areas only. leave on 2 mins, rinse, I bet that gets it!



give us another round of pics when you can

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also, what about a full tank shot. Id like to see if there are algae probs elsewhere. If so, we can work on some nutrient solutions, if not, and it was on this rock, no need to just zap the area and move on. Repeat in 3 months if you need to, simple stuff and you don't have to jack with the overall chemistry of your tank unless the problem is pretty bad




we do lots of recurring work on reef tanks. Doing something every 3 months is not bad work.

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Just wanted to give an update on my GHA. All traces of GHA have completely left my tank. Thanks Brandon429 for all of your help I appreciate it!!!!

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Thank you hope it stays gone.


There's something that would be very helpful if you happen to test it...how fast those spots grow back


Pop back in one of the peroxide threads in a few months and let us know if you can! Also you said 30%, did you mean 3.0%?

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