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Coral Vue Hydros

Shoot down Tropic Marin Tests please...


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Shoot down Tropic Marin Tests please...


Planning on buying their pH, Ammonia, Nitrate, Nitrite, ALK, Calcium and Phosphate test kits. Please tell me the bad about them is.... (if there is any)


Most people seem to recommend Salifert but Tropic Marin is cheaper and I've never heard anyone complain....

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I like them..... I get the Alkalinity test free with my buckets of salt recently.. I have all the others too. I stasnd behind TM... its a great salt.. I also like the liquid trace elemets.B)

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Chromis, I have had great luck with my Seachem test kit so far, it's confusing at first, but you get used to it.


It seems very accurate, and lets you do tests without possible contamination. I like it alot :)

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The phosphate test needs to be pretty high resolution. Any test that only detects down to 0.5ppm isn't usefull except in gross cases. You need to be able to read down to 0.03ppm. But hey, if you don't have an algae problem, you don't need a phosphate kit.


I wouldn't have high hopes for the calcium kit, but it may work fine.



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