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tank options


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Im thinking of setting up a nano, byt am debating on what tank i should get. i want something small under 11 gallons. i liked the viaaqua 11 alot but 150 is kind of alot for such a small tank. and it has a filter which i wont use. what a bout a 7 gal. bow front ad two 13 watt pc's? will that keep my options open in terms of corals? please help!!

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the toughest decision, which tank?. after looking at some of the tanks here i'm thinking of redoing my new setup too. have you considered a 15H or 20H? the height gives you some options but limits your lighting choice to basically mh or lots of pc's.


calfo has a good design for a reef front slope (which requires height to pull it off). i'd look into what kind of 'look' or 'habitat' on the reef you want to emulate and that will point you in a direction.

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The AGA Mini-Bow 7 with a 32w SmartLite is a popular choice. I myself have one (you can see pics of it under the Member's Nano Reefs forum), and have set up two others for a friend and my dad. Personally I really like the look of bowfront tanks and am currently planning a 28 gallon bowfront setup. I suggest you take a look at other member's tanks and see which one(s) you like best. In case you're wondering, a complete 7 gallon mini-bow setup can be had for about $200, which includes all equipment (tank, light, heater, powerhead, HOB filter).

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Is there a reason you want a tank under 11 gal.? Cause if I could start over, I'd would've gone for a 20L... you think you'd be happy with a small tank but a part of you always thinks "go bigger". :happy: (BTW, I currently have a 7 gal. tank, Alife 7)

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I have been pondering the same type of issue. However, I have a 29H? and a 20H that are potential candidates. I like the 20H for the economic issue but the 29 could leave lots of options in the long run...








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i have the minibow 7 with 2x 32w csl smartlite and its a nice little tank. it distorts everything a little bit but it looks kinda neat. it does make everything look a little different though. i had a flatback hex and moved everything over to the minibow and everything looked different. i like the look though. its really only noticeable when looking from up close. i also run a prizm on mine. with my 2x 32w lighting i had to space the prizm out so it would clear but its not hard to do.

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