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Coral Vue Hydros

PC help


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I have a 28w 50/50pc on my 10g now, with a actinic bulb also. What I want though, and I'm not sure they make it, is like a 2x36w. I want a pc with a switch for my actinic and a switch for my 10k. Is it out there?? I only saw one for a 24"

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CustomSeaLife fixtures (and Orbit, or whatever the new company that former employees started up is called) make the fixture you're looking for. It's a tad bit more expensive than other 2x36w setups, but it is the cleanest lighting fixture I've seen this side of an aquaspacelight. Do some googling and thread searching here, and you'll find all the info you need. Once you've got the light, you can put a 70w metal halide in it too.... Very nice setup.




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