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12G GLA Revival


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Hey everyone, let me reintroduce myself.....


I haven't posted on here well over a year, 2 years for an actual tank. I lost interest for awhile, kind of neglected my tank, tried something else with dart frogs, which is awesome, but a few weeks ago when we lost power here in MD my tank crashed, sparking my interest in the hobby again. My current tank is the 4th or 5th "experiment" since I got into the hobby back in 2007. It was started in Feb of 2011 after downsizing from my old Finnex 30G (my favorite tank thus far, still wish I had it.)


I've got a few photos from when I started it last year, and a few under my actinic light from about 6 months ago. Right now it's in good condition but crazy algae outbreaks after the 10 water changes I've done in the last 3 weeks to save it, it smelled like the Dead Sea in my house after 12 hours and I had to break out the generator, I couldn't bare to see all the rock, corals, and time go to waste. I just bought some more CUC this evening to help with the insanity.


I'm currently running:


GLA 12 G Long 36x9x10

10-15 lbs LR from various sources

MP10 on Nutrient Trasport Mode set to 50% power

AC70 with filter pad, floss and chemipure, lowest setting

Deep Blue SolarMax HE2 42W T5

75 W Stealth Heater



30-40% Water Change every 10-14 days

Overfeed once a week

Daily top off



Current FTS 09/27/12DSC00027.jpg


I've been contemplating changing tanks or possibly upgrading the lighting. I'll leave you with pictures from years gone by and hope to remember to post back here soon! Enjoy!


My First Saltwater Tank, 20 L



My 2nd, a 20 G H



3rd, the Finnex 30





4th/Side Project



And Finally the 12 L a few from set up and 1 from the day it crashed.






P.S. Dart Frogs Then and Now


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Well about 2 mins after I posted this, a forum member with a pretty sweet waterfall tank sent me a PM about that frog tank. While I was digging up old photos of it to send him, I found a few more of my salt tanks. Here are a few that made the pick:


Before the Finnex was broken down, that 150W MH was too strong but the frogspawn loved it.



3/4 of the rocks, partial cycle



1st aquascape March 2011


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Thats a cool 12g. Looks like fun dimensions.


Thanks, I edited the first post for the dimensions, they are, 36x9x10. I like it a lot but I feel that it's about an inch too skinny and things sit too close to the glass near the base, or maybe my rocks are just too large for the space I've got to work with.

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I stopped by a LFS tonight expanded my CUC even more, picked up;

3 Blue Legs

5 Cerith Snails

5 Astrea Snails


Putting my crews total at;

4 Blue Legs

8 Ceriths

5 Astreas


Hoping they will clean the tank up within the next week. I also snapped a few more photos tonight, enjoy.


Hard at work








The Nasty


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Nice to see more 12G Long tanks. They really are an excellent size for having a nano that doesn't quite look like one.


This might just be me but any future pictures that you have could you resize them before img linking them? Each one is a full size jpg at 2-3mb and when someone has to download 20+ images it takes quite a while. I love looking at a detailed full tank shot or 1-2 awesome corals, but I don't think waiting forever for a some algae closeups is nessesary unless you are asking people to carefully identify something for you.

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Nice to see more 12G Long tanks. They really are an excellent size for having a nano that doesn't quite look like one.


This might just be me but any future pictures that you have could you resize them before img linking them? Each one is a full size jpg at 2-3mb and when someone has to download 20+ images it takes quite a while. I love looking at a detailed full tank shot or 1-2 awesome corals, but I don't think waiting forever for a some algae closeups is nessesary unless you are asking people to carefully identify something for you.


Honestly didn't realize that it was doing that, on my browser its automatically resizing them to fit the width of the body section that nano-reef has pre determined, or if thats not what you're referring to, mine are loading pretty fast :D


But yeah no problem, I'll start resizing what I post.


Your tank is awesome by the way, I've never done a sump before and it would be awesome to maximize space in these tanks. I've been contemplating a 12-20G AIO instead of this tank, I'm trying to limit myself to just one tank though, don't know if it would be worth buying another 12 Long and transfer all this over just to have a sump but then again, you never know.....

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Ya each tank, shape, size, and setup has it benefits for different hobbyists. You just need to find one that you enjoy looking at and maintaining. Once its maintained and basically self sustaining all that's left is to sit back and enjoy it.


The sump is an excellent choice if you have space. It hides almost everything and can provide easy customization. All in ones hide everything but you are limited to its compact size. And designing either from scratch is a fair amount of effort to account for everything on your wishlist. But after its setup and functioning you have a lot more pride in your tank and I believe it will become a longtime setup.

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Ya each tank, shape, size, and setup has it benefits for different hobbyists. You just need to find one that you enjoy looking at and maintaining. Once its maintained and basically self sustaining all that's left is to sit back and enjoy it.


The sump is an excellent choice if you have space. It hides almost everything and can provide easy customization. All in ones hide everything but you are limited to its compact size. And designing either from scratch is a fair amount of effort to account for everything on your wishlist. But after its setup and functioning you have a lot more pride in your tank and I believe it will become a longtime setup.


I had the all in one with the Finnex on a large(er) scale and enjoyed it, I've been eyeing the Manta Ray 18 but will have to wait to think about that anyway until pico aquariums opens back up in the fall. The sump has been running through my head all day and I was even thinking of stooping to the hob overflow made by eshopps. I was also planning on buying some new furniture in the fall so for now I'm trying to get this thing clean. :mellow:

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SO today we lost power for 4 hours..... it rained here for over 24 hours straight, that may have been the issue. Luckily my Dad lives near by and was able to get the generator going within 30 mins. I was pretty annoyed at this point, now I'm thinking I should get a battery back up for the MP10, although I am looking for something more cost effective but more on that later.


The snails and hermits have been feasting nonstop on the mess that is my tank. I feel like they'll have it cleaned up in no time. I've also been thinking about adding an AC70 on the other side of the tank and keeping my AC20. I was thinking about either running chemi-pure or chaeto (it's sparsely spread around in my tank now) and heater to fit inside, or any combination/placement of the two. I'm up to seeing what works best and for suggestions. Maybe the inTank baskets too?


So now what to do about the power issue? I've thought about a surge protector that has a built in battery to run just the MP10 in case of failure but can't seem to find one that would last longer than a few hours or so. Can anyone offer input on this type of situation? Sure, the generator is fine but incase of emergency. I'm not concerned about the size of the solution because as I said in my previous post, I'm thinking new furniture in the fall.


I want to get the tank off the counter, I'm too much of a neat freak and the cables everywhere have been bothering me, I've also come to feel that it's taking up real estate that I'd rather dedicate to the kitchen. I can't decide in what room to place it, the kitchen is part of a great room that has a breakfast nook that could possibly house the tank, or possibly the living room aspect, either against a wall near it's current location in the kitchen or the wife suggested behind the couch as well, but that brings me back to the cable issue......


I'm sure I'll be back for more later and to stalk more tank builds but for now take a look at this Goby. I've had him since my first tank and I don't think I've gotten a better picture yet. He's survived moving into his now 4th tank, and 3 hours in a car when I moved back to MD from PA in 2009. A true trooper, he really likes the length of the tank, the long cave system that is too hard to show on camera (in the tanks current location) and the area of open sand near the Vortech when I drop some food in, he goes nuts.



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Just a small update:


I was digging through an old box this morning and found an abused but working AC 30. I threw it on for the time being, I plan on taking advantage of the drsfostersmith.com summer sale for a nice new 50 or 70 before midnight tonight. I believe the added flow/water volume from messed up 30 couldn't hurt, the impeller was previously cut and I've got it set to low flow. I guess I'm looking at about an extra 40GPH, I didn't really have the intent to stir anything up, just another source of moving the water. The snails and hermits are still feasting and the water is crystal clear.


I'm going to test the ammonia, nitrates, nitrites and pH when I wake up and report back. I also fixed all the broken image links that I didn't realize I had after resizing everything.

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So my Nitrate and Nitrite tested perfect and my pH came out to about 7.9-8.0. I was too lazy to check my ammonia but I don't really see that being a problem, maybe in the morning. I've decided to decrease the light cycle for a few days and do another water change on Thursday. I'm also hesitating on the equipment purchase but I know it needs done for success, just my personality lol. Pretty boring stuff I know but once the whole tank is crystal clear I'll get to the excessive tank photos.

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Took these yesterday but just now had the chance to post. iPhone pics with some adjustment for a more natural look.




Progress: FTS 07/25/12



I think the tank is looking better. I stopped by a LFS today and spent about 30 mins walking around like a kid in a candy store. I have way too many ideas now haha.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's been over 2 weeks since an update, not much is going on right now.


The tank is still being cleaned, looking much better. I also picked up some chemipure last week to help speed things up.




FTS 08/09/12



Til next time.

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I had some time in the last hour to really get a good shot of the tank with my dslr, very little processing needed. One of those, awesome moments in photography, as I'd put it.





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  • 2 weeks later...

So after trolling the tank threads for the last week, and throwing ideas around about this tank vs. a new tank, I came to a conclusion. I was up late last night hatching a plan on paper to create another tank. Most, if not all details were planned.


I woke up this morning and got ready to go out for the day. I went to turn down the speed on my mp10 and saw that the AC20 was draining the tank onto the counter, which in turn drained onto a bar stool, and then into the carpet. MORNING BLOWN. I think I lost roughly 2 gallons overnight, the culprit, media basket rose up with filter floss siphoning water over the side and dripping on the counter. MIND BLOWN, how did this even happen. The good news is everything is fine with the tank and that the spill was quickly under control.


This then reconfirmed my idea for next route for the inhabitants of this tank.


More info to come.

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Are you thinking something completely different? Or just redoing the current style with new ideas/techniques in mind?


To be honest, yes and yes, I'm still thinking of moving the tank and possibly adding that sump of 5-10 gallons to it with no drilling. On the other hand I am thinking of something entirely different with one or two different variations, still don't want to give away too much info yet.


Well maybe just some, that it will use some of my talent that went into building the dart frog tank. The situation really depends on if I can move our freshwater tank, but only the tank because I want to use the stand for either the current or new tank as well as the location in the house where the freshwater tank currently resides.


Whatever happens I want to make sure that I end up with a 36" tank (ooooo, another hint), 3 feet of workspace is perfect, 36" inches also happens to be the length of the stand (make sense now?) lol


Coincidence, maybe. Probably fate haha

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Things are underway with plans to move the tank. The freshwater 20L will move into the office, the only catch, I have to find the wife a stand that matches her desk (think shabby chic/ivory). I had thought of several options and drove around most of today looking for something suitable, 4 hours and multiple stores later, still no luck. I think I may end up purchasing this stand from Petco and refinishing it in a different color.


While that process is going on I'm going to make a final decision on my tank setup since I will now have the stand and location in the house that I want. I'm looking for some opinions here is what I am thinking;


Current tank with overflow and return, no drilling, 5-10 Gallon Sump


Buy Identical tank and drill over flow and return, 5-10 Gallon Sump


30 Breeder DIY AIO with 3/4 length (27") sloping false wall (already drafted on paper, I feel this tank design may give the same feel that my current tank has, just with an added sense of depth)


30 Breeder Drilled with an open concept aquascape, 15-20 Gallon Sump


Any input would be helpful, thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

New FTS today but my hosting server is down until tomorrow at 1pm, so that will have to wait. Tank looks great though almost starting to make me rethink the 40B which I've already drafted pretty extensive plans for.


In the mean time I'm waiting on an AC70 to come in to replace the 20 and 30, they've both seen better days, also going to hide the heater inside, I ordered a shorter heater. I got them both new for $50 shipped, can't complain. Trying to get an even cleaner look going since it will be staying on my counter for the time being.

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So Tuesday I got bored and went a bought a 10" Cube with Black Silicone along with a few other goodies, I'll start a thread up at some point. Don't know why or what to do with it, any suggestions?


40B is on hold until after my wedding next May.


AC70 Came in Tuesday for the 12G too, I replaced the 20 and 30 with it, they are now free to be used on the cube mwahaha. Unless I cut the impeller I will need to do a little bit of rescaping, the PSP isn't too happy with the increase flow, but the SPS LOVE it.


I'm merely thinking of shifting the entire scape to the right towards the MP10 so the PSP rock moves over, then bringing the rock with the monti on it forward.


More updates soon.

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I redid the scape today, not sure if I like it yet, nothing major, I'll get a new fts in a few days. One thing to note though, I switched the placement of the MP10 with the AC70. They are now on the opposite sides.


Heres two shots from a few days ago:





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  • 2 weeks later...


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