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Coral Vue Hydros

New Nano!!!!!


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Well, It's been about 3 months, lots of mistakes, lots of late night worrying but everything seems to be in semi-order. Just figured out how to minimize a pic so here it is. My photo's suck, can't seem to get the bright glare out but what the . . . .

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yeah well I'm not very proud of the way it all started but I then again I won't apologize either. I realize now my LFS was duping me, I should have done some more reading, shouldn't have trusted so much but what is done is done. I've spent a lot of time with this cube these last months and made sure my early mistakes didn't cost any lives. So far I haven't killed a thing except a couple of hermit crabs and I swear they did it to themselves! This site helped out a bunch.


a little moonlight action!

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Here's a fuzzy of the bi-color, cleaner shrimp, xenia, candy cane and some zoo's. That bi-color blenny is a pain in the arse and when I figure out how to get him out, he's hittin' the road.

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Not much real DIY here. I got three left thumbs but that didn't stop me from doing some easy mods. I took the two sponges out of the 2nd and 3rd compartment, added live rock to the 2nd and took out the bio balls, carbon and those white disks, tube things and added some Chemi-Pure and some Phos-X.

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Its really good you know the errors of your ways, and especially your LFS. I agree with lilboy early for the anenmone, but if he or she is doing well...then its all good. cause most reef keepers say you shouldn't keep anything in a Nano as it is. LFS are in buisness to turn a profit, no matter how nice they are, thats what they do. My LFS luckily is a member of LIRA (Long ISland Reefers Assoc.) and happens to know his stuff, and definately won't sell you something you can't keep and shouldn't have until your ready, but thats him. On the other hand there are like 10 other ones on Long Island who will sell you there's mother's coat in a snowstorm and tell ya its good to keep the tank warm. I have killed One Kenya Tree ( but speculates if it was doomed, because it had a black bacteria build up on its base that spread, but then again I could haved diped him in Lugols and a quartine tank, learne dthis much later), and it looks like my Bali Slimer might be on its way out, ( only a few polyps left, was acheap 15 buck frag however) MY RBTA is doing fine, so are my SI True Percs, My Torch has grown new heads, my leathers are phenominal, etc... I lost one Green leather from LiveAquaria, but that was thier fault it came cold as a cucumber, not soo good when it comes from Indo and should be kept in water around 80+ degrees..well thats why I don't shop from that piece o crap store anymore...only LFS now...ok sorry to bash a store guys, thats just my experience. Newschool guess what I am saying is, its all part o fthe hobby. What makes a consciensious reef keeper is knowing and researching before buying, not buying on impulse. I have had a few bad expeirnces and a few newbies mistakes myself, your goal is to have patience and learn from your mistakes I think. Ok thats more then two cents. Great Tank keep up the good work. ;)

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halmotors & DAP, thanks for the compliments. I'll get that brand of moonlight for you DAP tomorrow and post it, very easy, 29 bucks and no work, plug in and relax!

Only other thing I did was take out the pump and add a mini jet 606, much more power and very quiet! Thanks again.

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bgraber, the blenny and the clown are fine, it's him attacking my my brain star, zoo's and flower pot that is getting to me. If it has a trace of algae, he goes at it like Jaws. I like him, he's got personality but he's really starting to mess with my mind and my pocket. My brain star is beat up bad, I'm thinking of bringing it to a LFS and leaving it on the door step early in the morning.

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Ditchplains, they got me once, them LFS bastages won't get me twice!!! I tell you, I was the guy that walked in for a quick look that had a "Sucka" sign around my neck. Walked out of that store a few coin behind and looking at a double set of headlights coming straight at me. No worries, I work good under the pressure and learned in three months what them numbskulls haven't picked up in twenty. Still got a lot of learning to go but that jump started my love of the hobby. It pays to know whats going on, can't wait till i do.

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DAP, it's an Aqualight, that's the brand. 3/4 watt blue LED, went for $29.00 and was well worth it. The pictures come out very blue, it has more of a shimmer in real life.

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I bought two 3 led light fixtures each for 2.99 totaling less then 10 bucks with shipping, and they work great, I just co-oped an old plus ac/dc power supply and they look great , I'll look for the name of the electronic store for ya, but their well worth the 3 bucks...smiles;)

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