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Postiton of outpurt drain from fuge to display tank


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What would be the best placement for this drain so as to carry a significant number of pods and plankton into the display tank? Do most of the pods creep around on the supstrate or on the plants?



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mine tend to be in the rock rubble. I see them in the algae, but most are in the rubble, when I see them.


As for the drain, who knows. What is a sig. # of pods? What is the point of the fuge if they all get swept in to the tank? :)

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True, then too what would be the point (other than pH control and nutrient export LOL) if too few are . I suppose it would be best if an equlibrium could be maintained so than the rate at which they are swept into the main tank would be equal to their reproduction rate in the fuge. Still, if they don't spend much time swimming higher in the water column detached from substrate or algae, how can they be moved into the main tank in adequate numbers to be an important source of nutrition?

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i've been thinking about this one since you posted it. i don't have enough personal experience to know the answer, but since you didn't get many replies... i have read about large pods coming out from overflows of well established hob refugiums before, so i think that when they come out it is most like accidental on their part. i think that they end up being more a supplimental nutrition source rather than a primary source. as far as plumbing, i would be more worried about power outages and the overflow capacity of the tank than trying to get pods out. gl

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