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Coral Vue Hydros

210G slow build in progress


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Scape got changed again. Guess going to be keeping one end "open" and not have any rock so I can get brains and whatever else that needs a flat surface.



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You keep re'scapin'! Try taking some out, might make all the difference. I do think this latest incarnation looks much better though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
It's 210 gallons. You can't make little cutesy artsy-fartsy aqua scapes as easily as you can in a nano, especially without spending a over a grand even on dry rock. Get into the large intricate pieces of dry rock (15+lbs each) at my lfs, expect to pay 12 bucks per pound.


That being said, especially in a large tank like this, once coral is in it, that is what makes the scape. Lots of sps and Lps and this tank will be beautiful. I don't think this scape is too shabby as it is now.



This could not have been said better. i agree with the above statement. - large tanks are extremely extremely hard without buying large EXPENSIVE rock.. i have had to luxury of scaping a 450 and we are planning a rescape in the next couple of months. LARGE pieces are CRAZY expensive.


I like the above photo, the only thing i would change is the rock very close to the left side. Remove some and the scape will look great. it will help it look less stacked into the corner. and look more like an island of rock.


more photos!

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This could not have been said better. i agree with the above statement. - large tanks are extremely extremely hard without buying large EXPENSIVE rock.. i have had to luxury of scaping a 450 and we are planning a rescape in the next couple of months. LARGE pieces are CRAZY expensive.


I like the above photo, the only thing i would change is the rock very close to the left side. Remove some and the scape will look great. it will help it look less stacked into the corner. and look more like an island of rock.


more photos!


Check this out for less expensive rock ... may be this is an option



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I will be getting more pics soon :) Some updates are I got a new Midas blenny. Fighting off ick on him and my sailfin tang. Been soaking their food in garlic and ginger was working till I stopped using it and now they are itchy again and have a spot or 2.


They are still eating like they have never seen food before at least. I hope they kick it cause I don't want to stress them trying to catch them.


Oh and I have spots of coraline algae growing on the glass already. Still haven't gotten lights yet. Stupid bills keep getting in the way lol. The corals I do have seem to be doing good though and are growing.


Thanks for the link Albert, but I think I will be going with base rock if I get more rock. I don't want to risk die off or any more unwanted hitch hickers.

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I am just starting out in this hobby but was wondering if the old adage that one should place live rock in the tank before adding the sand is relevant. Is this outdated information? I read a few books that said if you place the sand in first and then the live rock that it can kill the bottom of the rock and the formation may settle down and crack glass etc.


Beautiful looking tank so far. I dream of something that size but am weighting the pro's and con's.


Keep up the good work!

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I have added sand after the rock, but would never do it again as the sand gets in the cracks of the rock and can't really spread it around to well. Also nothing really grows on the bottom of the rock anyways since no light ever hits it.


This tank is taking forever to finish. Still need lights and rock. If only money grew on trees. My blenny is still a little itchy but everyone else is fine. Did a nice big water change yesterday and hope to be able to kick the red slime.


Here are a few pics late I'm sorry but here they are.


Mario the blenny and Perry the Platapus the sailfin tang






Big fat happy Duncan



Growing like a weed zoa not sure what kind it is though



Pic taken today


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Unfortunatly :( I have peppermint shrimp but there are so many and the tank is so huge they are reproducing faster than the shrimp can keep up. I'm thinking of getting a copperbanded butterfly fish.

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  • 1 month later...

Well I have not done very much with the tank in a while. I got a couple new zoas and a Copperbanded Butterfly. I pulled all fish out of DT because I couldn't kick the ick. I'm almost at week 4 of the DT being empty and the fish are in a QT in hypo. Everyone is eating although I'm worried about the butterfly as he seems to be looking a little thin.


I see him go after flakes and other food at least and I will be trying a little neck clam to see if it likes them to. Hopefully it will last another month in QT since I have to wait 2 more months for the DT and then get the fish out of hypo.


Best news of all so far...I finally ordered my first AI Sol. Only 3ish more to get lol. As soon as the light is here and hooked up I will get more pics.


Oh and the aptasias are disappearing I've been juicing them with lemon juice lol

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I have 4 but would need like 50 of them and that's a little out of my ball park. Hopefully my copperbanded will help clear them out once he gets put in the tank.

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Just noticed I didn't have any of my new old corals posted. So I'm going post pics of when I first got them a little older pics and pics from today.


LA Lakers 8-11









Purple People Eaters 9-15






Angrybirds 9-15






Ninja Turtles (bottom)9-15






Magicians (top)9-15






Pracila Pora 10-17



Leather can't remember when I got it but it was smaller.






Coral on the egg crate 10-17



Hammer heads 10-17



Think that is everyone but my Duncans. Just can't get a good pic of them.

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Just noticed I didn't have any of my new old corals posted. So I'm going post pics of when I first got them a little older pics and pics from today.


Nice but I seem to see a lot of Aiptasia ... did you manage to get rid of those, and if so did you use Berghias or use another method if I may ask

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I still have a few but not as many as before. I took out all the fish from the DT because of ich and so have been feeding less. I think that since I'm not feeding the tank as much the peppermints are eating them better. I also pumped them with lemon juice. I spot feed my starfish and do just enough food for the crabs and snails so the shrimp have no choice but to eat the aiptaisas.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...


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