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210G slow build in progress


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I am slowly getting stuff together for this monster tank build. The tank and stand are still at my friends house since it needs resiliconed and the stand needs another coat of poly on it. I will probably get the stand before the tank because I want to pretty up the stand.


It is a 7ft tank to. I will be going reef with it. It's coming with 2 MH not sure the wattage and I have a 4 bulb tek light T5HO that I will be using as well. Will be using 2 mag7 for return, not sure about the protein skimmer as the one that is coming with it is not going to fit under the stand. Will have more stuff added but can't think right now cause the tank has given me brain drain.


Back of the tank




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I am slowly getting stuff together for this monster tank build. The tank and stand are still at my friends house since it needs resiliconed and the stand needs another coat of poly on it. I will probably get the stand before the tank because I want to pretty up the stand.


It is a 7ft tank to. I will be going reef with it. It's coming with 2 MH not sure the wattage and I have a 4 bulb tek light T5HO that I will be using as well. Will be using 2 mag7 for return, not sure about the protein skimmer as the one that is coming with it is not going to fit under the stand. Will have more stuff added but can't think right now cause the tank has given me brain drain.


Back of the tank




Wow ... nice tank indeed ... good luck and keep us posted with pictures ... thanks



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+1 Should be nice.


If you're going to use two return pumps, how are you going to set up the rest of your plumbing?

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I think I'm going to have a drain and return each end and plumb it so the drains are on one end of the sump and the returns on the other end. The sump I think is going to be a 40 breeder. Will draw up a terrible sketch of my idea when I get a chance.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am finally going to be getting the tank and stand Wednesday :) I still haven't gotten the sump put together, but I have to get the other pump and plumbing parts and salt. So much still to do ack. My sump idea has changed a zillion and 1 times but I think I have it figured out though. Will use flex pipe or whatever it's called cause I don't want to use PVC I don't think.


For fish I already have a clown and sailfin tang in DT and a pin fish from the ocean in my sump he came with the tank when I got it...


I'm looking to get:


Bristletooth Tomini Tang

Mimic Lemonpeel Tang

Flame Angel

Blackcap Basslet

Purple Firefish

Yellow Watchman Goby

Twospot Goby

Longnose Hawkfish

Longfin Fairy Wrasse

Banded Possum Wrase

Green Dragonet


I think that's all the fish and of course I'll be getting corals.

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I finally got it to my house :) will be ordering another pump, salt, and plumbing stuff to get this monster up and running.

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The tank is not staying on the window. Was just the only open spot in the house big enough to put it till I move my 55 lol.




Working on getting the sump sumpified. Hope to have it plumbed and hooked up and running some time this week.






Might actually get the sump finished today. Fingers crossed

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Sump is done!! Woohooo





The 2 squares on the sides is where the drains will go. The protein skimmer will go between that. Then the middle is the fuge. Then will go the pumps and possibly the nitrate remover.

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210 gallon tank what skimmer are you going to use, doesn't look like there's room for a very big one. Or are you using a hang on the back one?

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I can't remember the name of the skimmer, but it fits in the area I need it to. I measured everything a zillion times before I set the sump up

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Thanks :) No haven't moved the 55 yet. :( I have a really small house and I'm trying to move stuff as few times as possible plus me and my hubby have bad backs lol. Now that I got my RODI working I should have stuff moving along quicker. Will be plumbing it up here soon I hope and will have more pics to follow :)

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Got a bit done today. Decided we are leaving it on the wall it is now on.


Actually a couple days ago got the pipes put in the overflow.




Today we ran the lines for the returns and drains and got the sump under the tank.



Running the lines to see how long they need to be



Lines cut to size and done




Putting sand in




Now waiting on water. Just hope the sump design works. I still have to get the protein skimmer put in also. Ugh then have to go get the rock and scape then put the rock and sand from my 55 in. So much to do yet.

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Got a bit done today. Decided we are leaving it on the wall it is now on.


Looks like it is coming along nicely !


Oh yes lots of work for sure :)

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Put a background on it before you fill it!!! Normally I suggest DIY Window Tint, but with light behind it it won't work, you'll need something to completely block the light like vinyl or paint.

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Well been working on getting the sand, water, and rock put in. So far the rock has been in and out of the tank like 3 times. I still hate how I have the rock set up to. It looks to clustered and I have no idea how to fix it. Grrrrr


Side shot



Left side



Right side






Almost have all the water in it. Hoping one more garbage can full will do it. So tired of lugging water lol.

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looking good! you should hook your sump up to a 30 gallon and make it a fuge for the rock you can always drill holes in the live rock and use pvc and glue to stack rocks and make shelves out of them!

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To be honest the rock in the tank looks horrible and I don't think you can make anything look good with that rock. If you can live with it that is fine but I couldn't. If I were you I would order dry rock "Eco Saver" from BRS and throw it in a tub and let it cycle. I ordered my "Eco Saver" rock from BRS and you can do so much with that rock, fits together just like a puzzle :happydance: I'm not trying to burst your bubble or anything I'm just going to try and save you a headache down the road.

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@Matteo yes I have 2 flame scallops. I've had them several moths and I think they are doing ok. I target feed them phytoplankton 2 times a day.


@Jneighbors I respect your opinion and it's the great thing about being individuals everyone has their own opinion. I happen to be quite happy with the way it's starting to look and if I had a job and no kids I might would have considered buying all new rock but unfortunatly I have a strict budget. Plus I like a challenge lol

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To be honest the rock in the tank looks horrible and I don't think you can make anything look good with that rock. If you can live with it that is fine but I couldn't. If I were you I would order dry rock "Eco Saver" from BRS and throw it in a tub and let it cycle. I ordered my "Eco Saver" rock from BRS and you can do so much with that rock, fits together just like a puzzle :happydance: I'm not trying to burst your bubble or anything I'm just going to try and save you a headache down the road.

It's 210 gallons. You can't make little cutesy artsy-fartsy aqua scapes as easily as you can in a nano, especially without spending a over a grand even on dry rock. Get into the large intricate pieces of dry rock (15+lbs each) at my lfs, expect to pay 12 bucks per pound.


That being said, especially in a large tank like this, once coral is in it, that is what makes the scape. Lots of sps and Lps and this tank will be beautiful. I don't think this scape is too shabby as it is now.

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