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Ok, tang is now looking sick! What is it!


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Yellow tang has not been eating. It has been about 5 days now. The tang moves around a lot and seems healthy but he has a long 2 inch white horizontal strip on his side. His skin looks all messed up all behind his eyes. He is fading white. Should I take him out or what? We just got a 40 gallon hospital tank 2 weeks ago and it is not ready for fish yet.

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For a tang to not eat for 5 days is serious indeed!

You said that the area behind the eyes is messed up? Does it look pitted or raw?

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Have you consulted the LFS?

It seems like they have sold you a sick fish, perhaps unwittingly.


I dont have any experiance of SW fish diseases. So unfortunately I cant help much sorry.


Perhaps you can take a few pics and post them in RC, you'll likely get faster responses there, and also print some out and take them to the LFS for them to see, maybe they can recommend some kind of medication, or even take the fish in for you and treat it in on of thier tanks if you dont have a hospital tank setup already.


Good luck, hope the fish recovers soon.

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can you post a pic? the first couple of symptoms sound like nighttime appearances (yellows blanch and create the white stripe at night, looks like a big eye to predators i guess). the messed up part behind the eyes is what is interesting. like fishymissy notes in her link it may be LL or some other affliction.


any parasites or spots? how are its gill movements? tank specs: temp., pH, salinity, etc. have you tried regular foods besides nori and romaine? lfs sometimes just feed flakes and the tangs get accustomed to it (it should still go for greens though). the flakes are easier to digest though.


you could try tangster over in about.com he's back online and knows more than anyone on the subject. (maybe that's why they call him tangster :P )

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when you buy yellow tang, it is very important to ask LFS if it is tank raised, or wild caught.

tangs from the wild eat natural food. "macro algea"and just like Dragonnettes. they will barely to never eat prepared foods..

try to buy or ask a few friends for macroalgea. i hope things work out...


and oh yeah, just like all the other kinds of fish, they will not eat when they are stressed..and will develop bacteria that prevents them to eat.

good luck, and keep us posted...

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