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Well I just got my live rock and added the special reef grade sand to the tank. I'm assuming the water will be cloudy for a few hours due to the addition of both? I also saw what looks like a worm from the street in the tank. The shapes of the kaelini rock are truly amazing, with many caves. I look forward to the tank maturing.

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Hey congrats man! Welcome to day one of a hobby that will preoccupy your thoughts and lighten your wallet. I'm not familiar with Kaelini rock, do you have pictures? The rock shouldn't cloud your water, but the sand certainly will. Let it settle, then you can blow it off your rocks with a turkey baster or a syringe. Is your tank lit yet?


I bet you'll spend 80% of your free time staring into the tank for the next few weeks... wait till you see all the neat stuff you'll find.


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Congratulations! It could be cloudy for a day or so. Like Satchmo said use a turkey baster to blow off the rocks. Post some picture if you can!

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Cool. The first time I got my live rock I was so excited. I was staring at the tank for many hours each day, finding new critters etc. Its quite fun. :)


How about some pics of your rocks and tank in general.

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You can take pics with a regular camera and have them scanned at Kinkos or Staples or something. This is what I plan to do... along with a million other things that I never seem to have time for.

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