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Seachem test kits


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Anyone use these kits?  Mine has separate tests for free ammonia and total ammonia.   I don't think other kits make this distinction.  Which one is the commonly used ammonia indicator?

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I believe that its:

   Total ammonia = free ammonia + ammonium


Free Ammonia (NM3) is unionised ammonia, and  its what  you really have to worry about, its the most toxic.


On the other hand, Ammonium (NH4+) or ionised ammonia, is relatively safe, ie reletively non-toxic.


Also when looking the ratio of NM3 to NH4+ its the temperature and ph that tend to dictate the ratio.  With High temps, and high ph its the NM3 that will be greater.


Some test kits test for free amonia, but i believe most test for total amonia, wich is ok for us mariners because the total amonia is mostly made up by the free amonia because of our high temps and ph. But i'd be most concerned with testing for the free amonia, if you have the kit.


I think Seachem puts all these tests in to try to justify the price they make you pay for the kit, and also the number of total test the kit can do on the outside of the box.


So again, unless anyone corrects me, i'd be most concerned about the free amonia.


Hope this helps


ps please correct me if i'm wrong -thx

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I've been doing both test, since I can run them both simultaniously, so it's not a big deal.  I was just curious as to what the distinction was.  Thanks for the info :)

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  • 6 months later...
Temecula Reefer

has anyone had the total ammonia disk come out a purple color? My free ammonia is at zero, don't know what the total ammonia would be???

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Wow, pulled this thread from the duldrums. I've since stopped using the free ammonia test, and have yet to find out exactly what the hell it is. Seachem's "total ammonia" seems to be what most others call simply "ammonia".


Purple would be way off the charts, no? How old is your kit?

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Not that this really has to do with very much, but isn't ammonia NH3, rather than NM3? I can't think of any element "M" off the top of my head.

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Temecula Reefer

I would think it is way off the chart, I am 11 days into the cycle so it may be normal.... I just bought the kit from my LFS, don't know how long he had it.... I felt this thread died an early death;) , had to bring it back

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How's the nitrite test? If they're on the rise, you're kit is probably working. You should see the ammonia test get lighter and lighter. You could take a water sample to your LFS for testing. They should be able to verify those results for you.

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I love the SeaChem test kits, I wish every test kit maker would use the same reference chart system as they do, I have alot of trouble distigiuishing between subtle colour differences and the Sea Chem system works well for me.

My understanding is you don't see ammonium in a pH over 7 so we as marine hobbiests wont see it at all. Ammonia becomes more toxic as the pH rises but up to a pH of 8.8 the Nitrite is still more toxic to fish etc...

This is my understanding.

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BCO- That's the same reason I use them. I'm a bit colorblind, and I'm lost on those charts with the little colored squares. The sliding, gradient color chart on Seachem's kit is a hellova lot easier.

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