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Top Shelf Aquatics

What kind of corals can I keep?


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I have a 30gal long with one 96w 10,000k ultra-daylight & one 96w actinic. I guess the question is what cant I keep. Temp will be 79.

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I would not suggest any hard corrals because of lack of light. Maybe some agracultured ones and if they sit at the top. Maybe. Most soft corals should be fine though.


Bradley C Sacs

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I think you could do more then just mushrooms and polyps. Cultured corals will be a little tougher, so you can get away with more. I would just go to a good pet store that supplies a nice selection of soft corals and then ask them if they will do well in your tank. Right now it is hard to help because you are asking such a general question.


Bradley C Sacs

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You can try. It is still a hard coral though. If you can find one that is cheap, go for it. It is all trail and error. I would lean away from corals like that though. Give it a try though.


Bradley C Sacs

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I wouldn't neccessarily discern as just "hard corals"... there are some low-light lps (also hard corals) which may be kept under your lighting setup, depending on placement some sps may also work (aquacultured will usually be heartier)... try to find the scientific name of the animal you intend to keep and do a google search or look search in book if you got em (mergus, fossa&nilsen, etc). this way you can have several sources tell you how to care for it, lighting requirements, etc...



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