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Would it be safe to add?


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I have a 10 gallon tank that has cycled for a month now with 9 lbs. live rock which I bought already cured. I am going tonight to get an additional 5-6 lbs. of live rock that has been curing at the LFS for 2 weeks. They consider it cured. I would also like to add my first fish tonight. Would it be safe to purchase both the live rock and a royal gramma tonight, bring them home (the trip is about 15 minutes), add the live rock to the tank while the fish is acclimatizing and then finally add the fish after the acclimatizing period (floating bag and adding water over an hour or so)? My main focus here is whether or not the 'cured' live rock could still cause any problems with my water that would stress the fish.





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I wouldn't. I'd get the rock and then monitor the tank for 72 hrs to see what's going to happen. If everything is testing ok then add the fish. I wouldn't want to risk the life of the fish. Don't be in a hurry, in the grand scheme of things 72 hours is no big deal to make sure the tank is safe for the fish.

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Yeah, as much as I hate to wait I guess maybe I should. The reason I got in a rush is because my LFS had a big mistaken shipment of Royal Gramma and have had them on sale. The price is going up now that they are selling off most of them. The longer I wait the higher it is going to get, but then an $11 dead royal gramma isn't much use either hehe.

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Well it all seems to have worked out for the best. The previous live rock I had purchased from them was carribean and didn't need to be cleaned as it is shipped in water overnight delivery. They recommended this fiji live rock (I am getting it for some diversity) be cleaned of crud and soaked in a bucket with a power filter going on it for several days (it is not shipped in water). So I got the gramma and the live rock. They said it will be fine to add the rock after it has been cleaned and left cycling a bit longer in a bucket. So I will add the rock to the tank in a few days when I am sure all die off is gone for sure. The gramma has made it through the night so I at least haven't killed him through shock at this point. My LFS coppers their fish tanks and keeps salinity at half of .025 (.0125 or something) so the drip is really important as to not shock them. I made sure I didn't get any water from the LFS into my tank...

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Sounds great Andy!


That exactly what I do whe I add more rock, except I use an extra tank because I have several. Just test the water in the new rock bucket to keep up on what happening with the cycle on the rock.

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