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Pulsing Xenia


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Would a pulsing Xenia do well in a 15g AGA with the following specifications?



1 x 55w PC (Actinic 03)

1 x 55w PC (10000k)



7g Sump

Berlin #90

Maxi-Jet 600


Also, anyone with experience keeping a pulsing Xenia, could you post your experience(s).


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Xenia will do fine in your tank. The stuff lives almost in spite of you. Do a search for "xenia", there's been quite a few threads on it recently. I'm sure you'll find all the info you need.

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Yeah, should work fine.


Xenia has a few particularities. At times is indestructible and yet it often disintegrates for no apparent reason. Beats me. Mine seem to dig medium current the most.



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i totally dig them but i have had the worst luck! twice i've hooked up with decent frags and both times they've dissintegrated into nothing!! my water is fine and all my other corals are doing extremely well, but for some reason the zenias just dont love me.



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Originally posted by reef93

xenia like high pH(8.3-8.5) medium current and high light, IME.


I've noticed that if you put it on a slope, it'll end up at the top.


I've got 3 xenia flavors--the encrusting kind that grows out as individual fingers melts the most in my tank. The kind that comes as fingers growing out of a central stalk does a little better. What's funny is that both kinds disinitigrated away into nothing and 6 months later, they've reappeared.



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IMO-Xenias are my live water tester...if there is anything wrong with my water parameter they are the first to notice..i have never ever lost one yet, but i do heard thta they occassionally will crash due to no reasons. But i do love them, they bring so much life to the tank. So far, i have collected 4 different species and i heard there are about 8-9 species..i have the red sea, eleongata, blue tip, and the encrusted ones...i am looking for more different ones, so if anyone have some to trade or sell..please let me know

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I dont think that xenia's are picky at all..

I know people with xenia under low light and low flow and doing fine...

I have medium light with high flow, and my xenia is growing fast.

I also know someone with low flow and extremely high light, and the xenia is growing like weed's...and im talking about a xenia 1 1/2 foot below 2 250 watt MH's... :)

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