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Noob with BC29


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Hey guys,

I'm new to the marine world. Was big into African Cichlids back in the day, but lets face it, this is a night and day difference. I picked up a Biocube 29, and quickly modded it to my liking.


Chamber 1: AquaticLife Internal Mini Skimmer 115

Chamber 2: (Top to bottom) Filter floss, live rock, chemi-pure elite.

Chamber 3: took out the sponge, and left stock return pump.

Trying to figure out where to put my heater, it currently is out front.

Also running the stock lighting.


Its been up and running for about 14 hours now. i have 20 lbs of live sand, and currently only 13 lbs of live rock. I plan on picking up another 15 lbs of live rock, and a decent powerhead. (would love recommendations on a good one.)


The live rock i picked up has quite a bit of coralline on it, might end up picking up more from the same guy.


Basically that is my setup. If anyone has ANY recommendations i would love some feedback on my setup. Im trying to get into soft corals down the line, and maybe a LPS or two. Looking at getting a cleanup crew from Reefcleaners.org, ive heard alot of good about them, and also 3 or 4 small fish. That being said, this tank is far from close to that.


Anyways, feedback will help greatly.



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Hey guys,

I'm new to the marine world. Was big into African Cichlids back in the day, but lets face it, this is a night and day difference. I picked up a Biocube 29, and quickly modded it to my liking.


Chamber 1: AquaticLife Internal Mini Skimmer 115

Chamber 2: (Top to bottom) Filter floss, live rock, chemi-pure elite.

Chamber 3: took out the sponge, and left stock return pump.

Trying to figure out where to put my heater, it currently is out front.

Also running the stock lighting.


Its been up and running for about 14 hours now. i have 20 lbs of live sand, and currently only 13 lbs of live rock. I plan on picking up another 15 lbs of live rock, and a decent powerhead. (would love recommendations on a good one.)


The live rock i picked up has quite a bit of coralline on it, might end up picking up more from the same guy.


Basically that is my setup. If anyone has ANY recommendations i would love some feedback on my setup. Im trying to get into soft corals down the line, and maybe a LPS or two. Looking at getting a cleanup crew from Reefcleaners.org, ive heard alot of good about them, and also 3 or 4 small fish. That being said, this tank is far from close to that.


Anyways, feedback will help greatly.



I'd suggest starting here with a media basket (http://shop.mediabaskets.com/BioCube-29_c16.htm)


Run fikter floss, chemipure, purigen and chaeto (not necessarily in that order) I run carbon in mine as well. Hope this gets you off to a good start :) Welcome to NR!

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I'd suggest starting here with a media basket (http://shop.mediabaskets.com/BioCube-29_c16.htm)


Run fikter floss, chemipure, purigen and chaeto (not necessarily in that order) I run carbon in mine as well. Hope this gets you off to a good start :) Welcome to NR!

Love the media baskets in my BC29. Also, I have that same skimmer and I put my heater in chamber 3. With just soft and a few LPS you should be fine without upgrading the lights.

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Cereal Killer

Hey Gunnut I have the same tank as yourself. Id definetly get the Intank media basket some modding required but they show you how to do it right on the website. You might want to think about upgrading your return pump I use a Rio 6HF and really like it some people think its to loud and go for the MJ 1200 either way is good. The stock lighting will be good for soft corals but even LPS might have a hard time under the PC bulbs they have. I myself have just gotten back into this hobby after taking a 4 year break. Just keep reading and asking questions even if you think there small noob questions don't be afraid to ask there are some really great people on here to help you out. Also take your time my first mistake with my first go was going way to quick. Good Luck with the tank.

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Awesome. Thanks guys.

Now looking at adding the media basket, with filterfloss, purigen, and chemipure elite in chamber 2.

Also been looking at a RO/DI setup.

Not looking at upgrading my return pump unless there is something with more power, and more quiet than the stock one.


Stupid question: What would the difference be from RO/DI water vs. Those big 10 gallon jugs of distilled drinking water? haha Just wondering since my LFS isnt so local.


Thanks again guys. Ill post pics of my sweet live rock. lol

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i dont have a bc buti have the lighting from one...i m growing wide variety of softies, zoas, and lps...when u set up your lr be sure to place some high spots for needy corals. i put the high light guys 5-6" away from light in my 10g ..leave flat areas on lr to set corals onto...randomize flow with wave maker on h20 outlet (spin stream)leave room around edge for algae removal..hard to keep cool in summer..distilled h20 ok...some say slight chance of contaminants but it is al i use for top off

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Hi welcome. As far as the RODI water I don't pretend to know the chemical breakdown of water from a filter. But what I do know is that on my RO/DI filter there is a line for 'Tank' and a line for 'Waste' and the waste line is for human consumption. lol


+1 for taking for time. +1 for media baskets (I still use it and I have a full sump). +1 for heater in ch3.


I'd add a couple of stunner strips to your hood to accentuate the corals.


As far as powerhead, Koralia Nanos are great for that size. I had two in my BC29. If you get a wave maker it will be perfect. Only thing about them is they take up space. If you have the money, or can save, get the EcoTech MP10. You'll be glad you did.


Not sure if you know this or not, but just something that I though was helpful...All the loss of water due to evaporation will occur in chamber 3. Have a set point so when you top off your salinity stays the same

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Hey guys, thank you very much.

Today i added another 14 lbs of live rock, bringing my total around 27lbs.

I added a Hydor Koralia 550, and also going to pickup the media basket, and still debating on starting a fuge.

I also picked up some purigen and Chemi-pure elite to add to the media basket when i purchase it.


The only problem im having with adding my heater to chamber 3 is that my water levels arent high enough for my heater. Im using a Theo 100 watt, but im not sure if i should just disregard the "min/max" lines on the BC.


Any ideas?


As for the water, should i just disregard buying a RO/DI and just use distilled? Or am i taking a huge chance by doing this?


Id rather not cut corners, and know my stuff is clean, but i also dont want to dump money into something i can get for free. (i can get distilled free.) lol


Thanks again guys.

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Disregard the min/max lines. Fill it up as high as you need for the heater.


Distilled is fine (especially if it's free) as long as it wasn't distilled in copper. Make sure of this before you use it. Even if it doesn't register any copper in a test kit, if it was distilled using copper containers the copper level in your tank will slowly build up. Also check for silicates. Some distilled water has silicates that will promote diatoms.

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Disregard the min/max lines. Fill it up as high as you need for the heater.


Distilled is fine (especially if it's free) as long as it wasn't distilled in copper. Make sure of this before you use it. Even if it doesn't register any copper in a test kit, if it was distilled using copper containers the copper level in your tank will slowly build up. Also check for silicates. Some distilled water has silicates that will promote diatoms.


Awesome. Thank you very much. :)

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-i started with distilled too but the distilled i was using had high phosphates and was causing Hair Algae outbreaks. the RODI was the best purchase!

-Maybe its because i live in Florida but i dont even use a heater. i break out the heater in the winter only. my tank gets around 79.2 at night and never get higher than 81.3 during the day.

-i do have a stunner strip for sale with power transformer for sale if interested. 50 bucks shipped.

-i grew zoa's, frogspawn and xenia's with the stock lights with no problem. just remember, you have to replace those bulbs every 5-6 months. about 20 bucks a bulb so keep that in your budget.

-always be consistent with water changes and dont overfeed and you should be good

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With the heater in chamber 3 you need to keep a close eye on your water level, as that is the chamber that will fluctuate.

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Hey guys, back with another question, still up and running, and doing great. no algae growth that i can see on the sand, or even LR, although i did buy cured LR. I am looking at starting a fuge in Chamber 2, along with the media basket. The InTank fuge basket kinda seems lame, as its only 2 sided.. any thoughts on that? Im totally getting the media basket, but the fuge one kind of seems a bit hokey. Any better things to use? Or anyone have pics of how they set theirs up? Maybe im just missing something with it.

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Hey guys, back with another question, still up and running, and doing great. no algae growth that i can see on the sand, or even LR, although i did buy cured LR. I am looking at starting a fuge in Chamber 2, along with the media basket. The InTank fuge basket kinda seems lame, as its only 2 sided.. any thoughts on that? Im totally getting the media basket, but the fuge one kind of seems a bit hokey. Any better things to use? Or anyone have pics of how they set theirs up? Maybe im just missing something with it.

The fuge basket is like that because one of the open sides has the media basket acting as a wall and the other side has the chamber2/3 divider. It's cheaper for you and allows better flow-through built the way it is. I don't have pics of mine, but you literally just slide it into chamber 2 right next to the media basket


edit: found a pic of mine from the day I got it


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The fuge basket is like that because one of the open sides has the media basket acting as a wall and the other side has the chamber2/3 divider. It's cheaper for you and allows better flow-through built the way it is. I don't have pics of mine, but you literally just slide it into chamber 2 right next to the media basket


edit: found a pic of mine from the day I got it



Ahh! Thank you very much. That makes so much more sense now.

Ok, now ill be looking at getting the pack with the media basket, fish saver, and fuge.

And the in water light, to help grow the cheato.


Thank you all for the help, seriously means alot.

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I had the same setup. Worked very well. I never really 'grew' a lot of chaeto back there, but it was a great breeding/chilling ground for amphi and copo pods.


Do you have a light for the macro?

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I'm considering throwing some chaeto in chamber 1. I currently have nothing there and chamber 2 has media basket and hydor skimmer. Any thoughts fellow biocubers?

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I'm considering throwing some chaeto in chamber 1. I currently have nothing there and chamber 2 has media basket and hydor skimmer. Any thoughts fellow biocubers?

The chaeto would just collect detritus. IMO you should ditch the skimmer and put a fuge basket with chaeto in place. But that's up to you, I am heavily biased against skimmers

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Skimmer in bio cube = waste of time IMO. Do regular water changes.

Well, i would argue that fact. I havent done a WC yet, and just topped off, and my skimmer has already pulled some nice dark protein from my water. On top of that, the skimmer was free. Plus, its in chamber 1, which would have nothing in it anyways.

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Their mixed reviews with chaeto from everyone in this forum. I recently added chaeto and getting great results. Before, I would have a problem with high nitrates even though I do regular WC. Since, I added the chaeto my nitrates are barely detectable and my water quality has looked the best ever.


Gte rid of the live rock in the chamber.

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Regarding a skimmer, I just think that the amount of waste removed by a 'mini' skimmer is not substantial enough to decrease a bioload in a nano aquarium enough to make an effective impact. I mean, I'm not expert but look at it like this: I got a skimmer rated for a 150 gallon tank for my 40 gallon setup so I can feed when I want and stock how I want. If I removed the skimmer and kept stocking and feeding the same I'd have issues. You should try running the skinner for two weeks, then two weeks without it and see if there's a difference in your nitrates with the same feeding schedule.


IMO, the same goes for rock rubble in the back chambers. It just creates a place for aptaisia to grow where you can't see it. That amount of rock isn't going to filter anything. Adding a bag of chemi pure, or purigen is well worth it.


I'm not telling anyone not to get a skimmer if they want. Just saying I don't think it's worth it. Spend the money on a better pump or something. (lol autocorrect spelled 'pimp' instead of 'pump')

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