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toadstool problem


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i've had this toadstool for over 6 months now...it has always fourished and looked good.now it looks like it has exzema(spelling(skin disease) what could be wrong, it hasn't extended it's polyps in about a week...all other corals are fine, water parems are where they should be, should i scrape this dead looking skin off, or leave it...the thing looks fine besides this problem, it stands straight up...WTF>>>>

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scrape the skin. sometimes i use a toothbrush (make sure it's spotless clean, the toothbrush). you may also want to put the coral in a higher flow or direct more flow onto it. the polyps should re-sprout in a few hours or maybe days.


sometimes the shedding is in reaction to something in the water, sometimes it's a reaction to a physical contact irritant. leathers can shed but it shouldn't be taken as a everyday/every week occurence. it's a reaction to something it doesn't like. hth

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well i brushed as suggested and this guy looks worse then ever...he is now slump over, shrunk in size and has turned his base/stem purple...what should i do, is he dying or dead, leave him there, take him out and quaretine(spelling)...someone give me a clue!!!

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you did use a new or clean toothbrush, right? you shouldn't brush hard. i'm sorry, i should've emphasized that. :blush: it's more for just brushing off the clinging skin that doesn't peel away easily.


how's the rest of the tank? what's in the rest and what filtration are you running? a pic would be very helpful. slumped over is a very bad sign, unfortunately. :(


'purple base' sounds weird. altho they can change colors dramatically when they shrink up (i liken it to blushing or just being pissed off). picture.


quarantine is the best option if you have something setup and similar to your tank. pH, salinity, and temp being the highest of importance imo. lighting is critical of course but hopefully it won't be a long stay.


run carbon and switch every other day (at most). check your skimmer (if you're running one) to see if it's producing more than usual.

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does it have a rotting smell? not a fishy or plasticy (it's similar to smells at work) smell.


is it still shedding?


is any of the flesh actually crumbling?


is it slumped over like bent over or is it really sagging like a deflated ballon? (there's a significant difference)


if the rest of the tank (including similar leather corals) is doing well i would closely examine the coral for anything? the change in its status (bad -> worst) could just be a trauma reaction to the brushing. was it stiff brushing/scraping or light?


the slumped over aspect is the important one here. a toadie shouldn't collapse that fast even if i took a razor to it. altho it may take 3~4 days to re-blossom. hth

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I think several people are overreacting here. Toadstools will shed their outter skin periodically. It is thought they do this to discard algae and other contaminates on their skin.


If youhace Eric Borneman's book, it's in there.



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i think digit's just worried about the recent turn for the worst. i feel bad since i've been advising him. i don't think i'm panicking tho (just looking for more info). digit otoh is probably pissed (at me) and freaking that his toadie is limp.


patience is the key ingredient for reefing tho (besides light X) ). however, if the coral is really poisoned from a used toothbrush or something then it's best to remove it before crashing the entire tank. light brushing of the shedding skin wouldn't kill it, upset it-yes, but not kill.


i only affirmed that digit can use a toothbrush to help strip off the shedding skin. i've used dowel rods, siphoning air tubes, basters, etc. to help the shedding process. the tidal/wave action found in nature doesn't exist in our tanks and sometimes some manual help is needed (not always).



examine how the toadie is leaning. the difference i mentioned above is the difference between pissed and dying. skin firmness and reactivity is another clue. firm and reactive is good. soft and limp are bad, ask any girl.

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