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What type of worm is this?


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It lives in this outgrowth on my LR. It looks like a spaghetti noodle sticking out of the rock, and has what looks like saliva drooling from it. I just noticed that there was a worm or something living in there today. I seen what looked like a head so I stuck my scraper in and I could see him backing down into the rock(through the tansparent spaghetti noodle thingie). What is this?

Thanks Matt

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Can't, otherwise I would. Besides he doesn't stick out of the spaghetti looking thing on my LR far enough. I could just barely see this things head out of the hole. So i probably wouldn't get a good pic anyway.

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w/o a pic it can be very hard to id it. but it could be a peanut worm very common hitchikers. when they eat their bodies sort of telescope out does yours do that? here is a pic of one




if this is it it is completely harmless and a great detrivore for a reef tank

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Yep, thats him. So he's harmless huh. Thats a relief, cause I wasn't sure how I could get him out or killem if he was bad.

Thanks Matt

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i have found several in my tank. i dont have a nano but a 75 gall. ive seen them with some different color patterns or all white, grey, black and white and different sizes also. i have some very small ones to one that is huge about the size of a pencil around and long enough to wrap himself around a decent piece of lr with part of the body still in the rock. they seem very sensitive to light and dissapear quick. unless you have a red light. try a flashlight with red cellaphane or plastic over it red renylds wrap will even work. take a look at night and i bet u see him plus tons of other stuff. they are kind of cool to watch feeding off of the lr. my tank is about a year old now and im still findin stuff:P

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I have one of those too. I noticed it about 3 weeks ago. Very cool creature.

It never leaves the hole completely. A part of it is always stationed in that hole.


He pokes out when the lights are out and feeds on whatever is around the area he can reach. He is very fast and extremly sensitive to changes in light levels.


Karlas, do you have any idea what they eat? It would be very interesting to know, as this thing doesnt leave it hole, and cant extend out more than 5inches.

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i found this small comment about what they eat


Peanut Worm:  It can be up to 18 cm in length and burrows into sand and mud or lives in rocky crevices or empty snail shells. Tentacles at the end of its body pick up minute plants and detritus (dead organic matter) settling from sea. This worm has world-wide distribution.


i think 18 cm is about 9" in length

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