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Cultivated Reef

Trash can 7gal Nano Cube


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This is my 7 gal cube I found in a trash can and decided to turn it into a nano its only been set up for 7 days now and did my first water change today. So far so good haveing high temps with the lights on I just need to install a fan I marked the place I will put it just havent installed it yet. Here is a list of equipment I have in it.


The tank is Acrylic 1 foot cubed with rounded front corners I think it was a display case of some sorts? Never know what you will find in the trash:P


It had 2 night lights in the hood I took them out and replaced them with 2 of the new coralife mini CF screw in 50/50 10 watt bulbs and a diy reflector made with a replacment auto mirror from a parts store. I just found out they make a 20 watt one and plan to replace one of the 10w ones with a 20w one that would give me a whoping 30 wattsB) And 2 blue LEDs for moon lighting.


I found a used tetra tech 150 HOB filter with the heater cheep and thought it would be good to have the heater out of the tank to free up some real astate in the little tank I had to cut the hood to fit the filter. That was fun :D


I have a 100gal a day RO unit for drinking watter and reef tanks I bought it in preperation for my 75gal tank that will become a reef when I can aford the rock for it :(


I have about 12 lbs of Seaflor special grade.


8 lbs of Live Rock had to go to two LFS to get 8 lbs of nice cured rock the first one only had 1 rock that looked good and it was 4lbs and the second LFS had 2 rocks I liked that added up to another 4lbs :( But they both gave it to me cheep sence they didn't have a good selection.


I bought some snails and hemits when I got the rock I couldn't wait


I got home and put the rock and cleaning crew in and had to go back down and buy some corals I realy couldn't wait

3 little shrooms a zoo and a xenia all on day 3 of setup:


Day 6 added some algae not sure what it is???? 2 orange Ricordias and a small zoo rock with 7 orange polips on it:P

I think thats it???


What do you think????

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Wow, any reason why you added everything so soon besides not being able to wait? I for-see problems because of that in itself.


It is nice to find "treasures" out of another's "trash" but this is a hobby that needs patience to cure and proceed correctly. I know you will have others pipe in to go further in detail and hope this tank works out in the long run.

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Yes I knew that would come up but with good cured rock and good water there shouldn't be any problems;) Just wanted to show it could be done I know it can have set up 2 others this quick with friends:P

and another pic of the top cut you can see the marks where the fan will go

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The Orange Recordia there is another one behind it that you can't see I just couldn't find a spot to put them that you could see both of them

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This is my xenia you can see the little one down below the big one also hound a hitch hiker red shroom on the same rock.

Man I need a better camera any one like to donate one:P

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One last pic this of the zoo's and algae in the back


Now lets here the coments I know this should bring them out of the wood work :P

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Thanks it is great I think where else can you get a tank set up for under $50

Day 8 water still checks good

0 ppm ammonia

375 cal

11 dkh kh

0 ppm nitrite

0 ppm nitrate

8.3 ph

1.023 sg

80 deg

The only bad thing to hapen is the big snail wont stop moving stuff. Im about to trade him in on one of those more compact models:P

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Sweet lil cube setup. Any good LFS stores I should check out there, preferably Olathe/Overland Park area? I'll be there this summer visiting family.

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There is one out in op that does nothing but saltwater nice stuff kind of high for my trash can wallet and not verry helpfull. I have a fish only and a pet store about 1/2 mile down the road that have fresh salt and reef stuff and both are verry helpfull and nice.

Ive been keeping fresh water for 5 years now so I got to know the guys at the fish only store realy good and the pet store was just bought out about a year ago and rebuit the fish room added salt and reefs and now replacing the fresh water tanks so they are geting there its taken them some time and they gave me a killer deal on some 75 gal tanks one will become a reef tank when i find enough live rock to fill it on one of my diving trips (Dumpsters that is :D ) I know but I can still dream cant I:P

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Hey you never know what you will find in the dumpster

I have 10 20gal long tanks all drilled a 20gal tall w/HOB, under gravel filters and hood a 4 ft protien skimmer a bucket of bioballs and a acrylic 55gal sump/wet dry that has two trickel chambers full of bioballs and hoses to match setting down stairs right now I Saved ;) from the dredded dumpster monster. You just have to be in the right place at the right time. I forgot about the 2 emperor 400s that are on my fresh water show tank.


Any one else out there had some good finds?

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Next time your lookin, dig me out a tank! That cube is sweet, I always wanted the US aquarium 7 gal cube, but they're too pricey! I'm gonna go check my trash can right now!

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Originally posted by Telecaster

. Any good LFS stores I should check out there, preferably Olathe/Overland Park area? .


Just came to me theres a little place over in op that has all kind of nano's set up and for sell I need to find the name of it. I will get it an post it.


And if your up here you have to check out cabelas tanks I know they are fresh water but man they are cool nothin like looking at a 4 foot long catfish in a realy big tankB)

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Its been two weeks now and alls good


I traded in the buldozer snail for 2 sport compacts today:D


My largest shroom is getting ready to split I noticed it looked kind of wierd the other day and looked closer and could see two mouths now cant wait :P


more and more criters coming out of the LR;)


Found what looks like a oyster or something like that up in the cave in my big LR can't tell for shure and my junk cam wont take a good pic of it to put on here to show. :*(


Looks like a bunch of little sponges in the cave to ?


I will take some pics tomarow and put em up so everyone can see

how the trash can is doingB)

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  • 2 months later...

I havent posted in a while. My tank is kickin @$$ I have been changing 2 gals every 2 weeks Ive added alot of stuff but my children compleatly destroid my camera so I cant take pics I ordered a 8 megapix its in the mail cant wait:P so I will post some pics befor I move next month. Thats going to be fun moving 3 75 gal 3 20 gal a 30 gal and my 7 gal nano I havent figured out how I am going to do it yet? But the new house I get to build me a fish room in the basement B) I have 10 20Ls I cant wait to set up I am going to make one wall all 20Ls for coral propagation I need to keep a couple for breeding tanks for my jack dempsys and there fry. :( I like them to much to get rid of them and I can trade and sell the little ones for more stuff;) . The best thing of all is now that I am moveing I can it gives me a reason to change my reef ready 75gal over to a reef ;) finaly I just need to figure out where to put the 12" red devel thats in it now??? I wish I had started out with reef tanks befor I bought all of these fresh water fish that I cant let go:( I will post some pics next week after I try out the new cameraB)

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Originally posted by kc5qvz

This is my xenia you can see the little one down below the big one also hound a hitch hiker red shroom on the same rock.

Man I need a better camera any one like to donate one:P


Maybe you should check the trash again....



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I finaly broke down and ordered one online its a 8 mega pix I splerged a little also got a 132meg compact flash card and a 2.2 gig micro drive along with the 32 meg card it comes with and I already have one 32 meg card I should be able to take some good pics with that dont you think?

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