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Strange stuff on my fish


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My Midas Blenny has a small patch of white stringy stuff on his side. It looks almost like a piece of a cotton ball. Any ideas on what it might be?

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it is probably a bacterial infection or maybe fungal infection. are the fins chipped looking? i had a clown pair that looked like that and they died before long.

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I believe the sickness you are describing could be the dreaded Lymphocystis or the cotton ball virus. This according to Bob Fenners The Conscientious Marine Aquarist This condition is rarely fatal in itself but, has the propensity to cause secondary bacterial infections. These secondary infections are usually the cause of death. If no secondary infection occurs it will clear up in a month or two, and the fish should pull through.



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i agree with toy...wow..he is very knowlegeable with these stuffs..hahahha


but you can try to give your fish a fresh water dip and that sometime would help it.

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bacterial infections are usually caused by stress..

so dont you think a freshwater dip will cause more stress?


no offence anthony..jmo

but in some cases tho, freshwater dip or formalin dip would work,it has been performed by many hobbyist with success.some of us just have no choice, so i would recommend buying a quarantine tank.


its also good to keep a cleaner shrimp in the tank or the quarantine...



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If it is Lymphocystis, which I'm not totally sure without a good picture... A dip of anysort would do no good as it is a Virus and has to run its course, Antibiotics will not work either. Good water quality and nutritious foods will be all it needs if it is strong enough to fight off the secondary bacterial infections brought on by the stress of the virus. Adding more stress by Oxygen depletion (through antibiotics) or Water/chemical dips will surely be more stressfull for the fish. Try and get a good pic or search the net for diseases and see if the pic fits. Please let us know how it turns out.



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