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Way too cool!!


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I bought a couple of new pieces of live rock the other day at a local LFS. Anyway, last night I'm looking in the tank as usual with my trusty red lens flashlight and lo and behold! on one of the rocks were about 100 mini-stars, I mean they pactically covered the entire rock. It was soooo cool!!

This hobby rocks!


Just wanted to share.

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NICE!!!! Where do you live? I'd be happy to trade you a xenia frag or some green shrooms for a couple of the mini brittles!! What color are they (not for trading purposes, but just curious)... I once found a brittle coverd rock at a LFS which was COVERD with bright blue brittles it was AWESOME!!!

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po- I see from your location that you live in PA. Where in PA? I live about an hour north of Philly and would be interested in maybe getting a couple of the mini-brittle stars from you if possible, either buy, trade, or (of course) free is always good. :happy:

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Jdiver- I live in the Harrisburg area. If you want some mini-stars you should check out the store where I got the rock. It's in Danville, just east of Williamsport, It's called The Salt Box, check out her site at www.coralreeftanks.com She has some nice frags there cheap!! If you decide to go check it out maybe we could hook up and I could show you where it is, It's like out in the boonies in Amish land.

pdown01- The stars are mostly grey with black stripes on their legs, some are so tiny it's unreal. Too bad you're in Cali. I would give you some.

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Thanks for the info po. It looks similar to the store that I frequent (The Frazer Zoo), but is a bit far away (2+ hours). What I might be able to do though is stop by on my way back from one of the Penn State games I plan to attend this year. Do you know if the Salt Box has hours on Sunday?

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Thats great. when I first got my live rock, I saw these grey brittle stars with black bands. I have about 5 that I know. There are also a few white ones.


It was only recently that I noticed a few different ones. These were almost greyish like the other ones, but they had light brown/orange bands. Look pretty cool. I just took a look at my tank. There are two that always hang around next to each other, you can see a few legs sticking out of holes in the live rock.


So cool.

And I thought I had seen all my tank critters by two months, was a nice surprise tosee new critters last week. :)

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hey i live in pa to. i go to the salt box quite a bit. ive picked up some ls, mushrooms, and polyps from there. chances are i will get the rest of my corals and maby clams (later on) from the her. the lady is very knoledgeble and helps you out, ive never seen a sick fish in her store yet very healthy and lively to. i started out with a couple of the mini brittles now i have tons also they multiply so fast. just incase you would like to know im from berwick pa

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I picked up about 5 bucks worth of caulerpa at Seascapes in MtnView, CA--turns out got a bunch of hitchhiking mini brittle stars as well. I also had him throw in a couple fatty micro stars that he's got in one of the tanks there.



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