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Coral Under Stock JBJ Lighting?


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Im curious to know what corals would do good under stock JBJ Nano Cube lighting. This is an expensive hobby and the lights are a killer.. lol



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You can keep most button and star polyps,brain and candy cane corals,leather corals,colt and tree corals and of course ricordia shrooms and other mushrooms. So you have plenty of choices. This are all considered beginner corals with low to medium light requirements. I have all of these in my nanocube except for leather and tree corals.

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i love my nano cube and i have everything from acropora to an open brain. the lighting is very stropn towards the top of the tank, i need to put my new updates pics to show u but my camera is busted. when i first started i bought a piece of dead acropora with seaweed on it and i removed the seaweed because the acropora started to regenerate, so now i have a full 4 in frag that i got for practically nothing. i also have a birdsnet coral that is forming new buds and starting to grow outwards with a cool purple crab in it

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Thanks Guys.


I also have a question. To feed these corals, should I be adding kalkwasser? What should my calc measurements be like?


You gotta excuse me. Im not a n00b to marine.. just a n00b to corals.. lol

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This question has been answered numerous times before, next time you do a search, but if your still curious. You can barely keep anything in the tank, but anything thats need high light, acro, monti, and especially clams would not flourish in the stock lighting. I have 96 watts retofitted into the plastic cover on my nano cube. As far as high light demanidng corals I have a Bali Slimer, RBTA, Torch (which has split branches and grown numerous times in less then 3 months) When I had my stock lights I only kept leathers n polyps. I would suggest buying a 39 dollar 32 watt CSL upgrade, if your worried about intial cost your in the wrong hobby cause the real cost comes in maintinence over time. So and initial purchase of 40 or 10 more bucks is nothing in the long run of this hobby nano or no nano. I would suggest either sticking to stock lights and not getting anything too high light demanding ot they wont survive in the long run, thus coasting you more in the end. Ok my two cents shared

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I have found that even my mushrooms don't seem to happy under the stock lighting. They have recently begun to develop a "cup shape" im assuming because they need more light.


This has finally pushed me to want to get better lighting on my nanocube. My new lights hopefully will be here tomorrow or Saturday!

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I kept shrooms, GSP and xenia successfully under the stock lighting. One problem I've run into since upgrading is that the lights are too close and thus too intense. My shrooms are not happy, I think I'm going to switch the tank to a LPS kinda thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"You can barely keep anything in the tank"


I think not, mushrooms, ricordea, zooanthids, xenia, lps, button and glove polyps, gsp. I would disagree with you there DitchPlains, mine is just over 3 months now and everything is doing fine.


I do agree that highlight corals are a no no and so is the clam even a tan/gold one.

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What LPS have you all had success with in the stock lighting (not theoretical but actual experience)? So far, I just have fox coral, which is doing well. I've only had it for about two weeks, but it opens up big and full and seems to be doing well. My LFS had it in their nano-cube display (stock lighting) for at least a month before I got it (maybe longer) and it was doing well in their tank. I realize that 6 weeks doesn't necessarily mean it will be successful, but so far so good.

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my softies and LPS are doing fine and seem to be happy w/ stock lighting. I have noticed with the stock lighting, my mushrooms like it much better on the bottom of the tank and I have had to move my Candy Cane towards the bottom. The lights are very close to the water and I think behave as a much higher intensity light.

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