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Coral Vue Hydros

Do it right and do it slow


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Just wanted to brag a bit. My nano BC14 has been up and running for 1 year now with no major issues. My first saltwater tank and I stare at it almost everyday still. There was a lot of skepticism out there about beginners having a nano as their first tank. I took it slow, didn't rush things. Let the cycle run it's course, added coral and fish slowly, tested and tested again after each new addition. Kept up with water changes (must admit once or twice I let it go 3-4 weeks instead of 2 :huh: ) and dealt with issues as they surfaced.


Just wanted to thank nano-reef and all that have helped me along the way. Without you guys I would have never made it. Now onto my next project!! The nano isnt big enough (they never are....right)? I have an RO/DI unit on the way along with everything I need to drill my 100G. If I can get this drilled without cracking it I am well on my way to getting a nice show piece set up in my living room. Estimated 6 moths from now until I get the cycle started. Slow and steady.

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Drilling is a lot less of a worry than most people give it. I recently drilled 2 holes while the tank was vertical and half full. Used a brand new hole saw and took it slow. You're basically just grinding a hole in the glass. Shouldn't be any problem especially if the tank is empty and lying on its side.

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Simple but wise words. There is a saying "slow and sure wins the race" It certainly applies to marine reefkeeping nano or much larger. I am sure the experience you have gained with your nano will hold you in good stead with your new much larger setup.

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