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does caulerpa make your water nasty on top?


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when i first set my girlfriends tank up i put the caulerpa in the main front tank because there wasnt a light over the refugium yet. when the caulerpa was in the front there was always a nasty slime on top of the water. (it has a surface skim type filter box on it and a power head pointed up at the surface) and now that i put most of the caulerpa in the refugium the surface in there is nasty thick slime that doesnt even move. im suspecting the caulerpa. also her filter pad is constantly getting filthy. the skimmer is always pulling out huge ammounts of gunk. and this is all with one shrimp and two hermits after cycling and everything. is caulerpa just nasty stuff or what? none of my tanks have caulerpa in them and i never have nasty slime on my water. what gives?

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it could be the caulerpa's leaching back into the tank. (absorbed chemicals, nutrients, or spores)


or some small micro-organisms could be using the caulerpa as a refuge and their wastes could be contributing to the slime.


or could the caulerpa be impeding water flow/current and promoting cyanobacteria?


or someone could've left a loogie in the tank : :P

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yeah it looks like a loogie. or like someone mixed up some green jello and let it harden on top. has anyone else had this experience with caulerpa? the water isnt green theres just a thick green film on top of the water. help please? nothing seems to be affected by it but it doesnt look like it could be healthy.

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ok...simple solution...just increase the current in your refugium..with more water flows..the slime alage will not be able to stay in one place and grow...i believe that is the best way to cntrol this problem

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i dont think its slime algae. it only happens where the caulerpa is. when the caulerpa was in the main tank the nastiness was on top of the main tank. and now the caulerpa is in the refugium and the nastiness is over the refugium. it is so thick that you can point a power head at it and it still stays intact as a film. im gonna get a surface skimmer and see if that works but its so thick im not sure it will. also it doesnt seem like it can be good and if its the caulerpa causing it then i might take it out. anyone else experience this?

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