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Maxi mini lighting/feeding


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Are maxi minis okay with mediocre light as long as they're fed regularly? I'm planning a 2.5 gallon and wanted to try a maxi mini along with a porcelain crab, and am wondering if the 50/50 coralife bulb I'm using will be enough. One of the local guys is sure it is, but I wanted to get the public consensus ;)

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Yes it should be fine, carpet nems are really quite hardy. just place it where you like and let it move to where it's comfortable.

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What are optimal conditions for a maxi mini? Alto, got an idea?

I've never had one in my tank, but at work they seem to like being off to the side under an 8 bulb T5. They liked the same areas LPS liked so I would say treat it like an LPS.

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I put 2 in a Tom's Deco 2 gallon with the stock lighting and after several months they haven't lost color. Very sporadically I've lit it up with a Boostled bulb. I think I've fed a total of 2 times in the past few months, more to see if they'd eat what I had then to actually "feed" them. FWIW, the lights are on 8 hours.


The biggest down side so far has been, that one went for a walk and ended up UNDER the rock, so when it comes out in the morning the rock is pushed sideways...

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I have my maxi nems lit with par30 bulbs. I use to have them in a 2.5 and it was lit perfectly with one bulb. Colors are great and doesn't need to be replaced. If you go with LEDs, make sure you get neutral white mixed in for better coloration of the red/orange.

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I have my maxi nems lit with par30 bulbs. I use to have them in a 2.5 and it was lit perfectly with one bulb. Colors are great and doesn't need to be replaced. If you go with LEDs, make sure you get neutral white mixed in for better coloration of the red/orange.

i never would have thought of that, thank!

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  • 9 months later...

Hey! Came across this topic.
I've got a picotope with an 8W LED light over it, keeping all sorts of corals.
I just bought a Mini Maxi for my birthday from tidalgardens.com, and it just came today!
At my store, we keep them in our big tank under huge Metal Halides - they always look a little bit faded. But I'm thinking my nem should be fine in my tank. They seem to do very well under a wide variety of lighting.

If you ever think about upgrading your light, check out the fixture I've got - Wavepoint Micro Sun High Output LED Clamp Light, the 8W 6". Beautiful colors, and very reasonably priced. It's doing the same amount of work for me as my old Par30 bulb was, and for a lot less!
I posted a topic about it on here somewhere.

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One of mine sits way off to the side of my tank, the other hangs upside-down under a ledge.


They seem to have individual preferences concerning lighting and move to suit themselves.

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When I was redoing my lights on my specV I ran the stock lighting which is really booboo and it kept them alive for over 2wks.


I don't actually feed any of mine but like stated above, the coloration might not be as pretty with that bulb selection.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My new anemone actually slumped off under the rock as soon as I put him in the tank. I haven't seen much of him until these last few days, he seems to be comin' back around the corner.
I wonder if my dinky little light was too much for him? Or maybe it was just such a dramatic change...
He hasn't eaten yet... But I'm sure he'll get the hang of it!
In any case, my Mini Maxi is healthy, and learning to be seen.

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My maxi mini seems to love light. It's at the top of my LR about 4 inches under my LEDs, and it never seems to want to move. I've also placed it at the bottom of my tank, and it was fine down there too. I think my maxi might just be lazy, but it sure does love light.

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Anyone not feed their maxi?


Tried searching but didn't come back with much.


My maxis look great and are under decent lighting but when I feed them they don't bother to eat or at least it doesn't look like they're eating.


They don't ball up and swallow like my othe anemones or like my carpets did in the past.


Is there a point where lighting is sufficient and they don't eat?

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From what I've seen, Maxi's kind of tuck food in to there mouth's one side at a time. At first I thought mine wasn't eating, but upon review it didn't leave any scraps. This was with mysis of course, I'm sure if you used a silverside it would ball up.

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I'm gonna get some mysis to try.


Reeferman81, did you cut them? If so, did you dip them after doing so? Could you post pics of the healing and progression?

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