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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Can you drill glass? I can!


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I started to build the long awaited refuge for the 20 today.


The piece of glass is 1/8". The supplies I used where;

Diamond hole saw #P32400 from Harbor Frieght $8.99

Diamond sanding drums # P32159 $7.99

A cordless drill

Some gray putty

A permanent marker



Here are the drills and drums:

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I filled the dam with water and started drilling. Starting the hole was the hardest part, the hole saw wanted to walk around. Next time I will probably use a drill press. I put a second piece of glass under the one I was drilling to try to keep the chipping to a minimum when the drill goes through. I used very gentle pressure and it went right through.

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Then I enlarged the hole with the drum sander. I dipped it into water every few second to keep it wet. I stood the glass on edge to do this.

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All done! From start to finish it took about 30 minutes. If I do another it will go faster because now I have a bit of a clue as to what I'm doing. The hole size is 1 1/2 ".

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whoa so all u need is the cutter and the drum??? what was that other thing in the first pic that said glass cutter??


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Originally posted by Stryf3

DAMN this sucks...the part is not available anymore...

hey liz? how much you want for the part? :)


No you can't have my part, Matthew wants to use it. :) Where did you see it's not available? I went to the store and puchased mine.



Nishant3789, that thing is a glass cutter. I had to cut the piece of glass to the right size first. That cutter really sucks, but it was the only kind they had there and I was too lazy to go to a different store.

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actually home depot does it for free. thanks btw, mayb ill try this out.... will it work on plastic too? where did u get the bulkhead from? i dont wanna order mine off the net, thanks


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I already had the bulkhead, though I know you can buy them at most fish stores.


I don't know about the plastic......I use my Dremel to cut and drill plastic.

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nano neophyte

Lizbeth, that was the best explaination on drilling glass I've seen. The photos are a big help. Thanks a million for going through the trouble to share this with us. I'm inspired to drill my own refugium and sump as well.

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Thanks Cam and neophyte!


I would be chicken to try it on a tank without trying it a couple more times. Since I'm building my own tank (which is water testing right now(8hrs no leaks!) ) I figured if I broke a piece I could just replace it!


If you have access to a drill press it would be much easier.

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damn you liz baby...hahahaha...i had to broke off a piece of my glass for the new tank that i am building now...its finished but look like sh*t! hahaha..it held water for 2 days..its a tank with refugium combo, except the refugium is not in the back but on the side..the tank is 12"x12"x12" with the attached refugium..6"L x 14"h x 12"w..i didn't know how to drill the glass so i tooka hammer and just slowly chipping the glass on the side off..and finally it cracked !!! hahaha..but i re-sylicon it up and it works fine.


Matt- dude..i need you to built me a canopy man!! my looked like crap! hahaha...i am good at art and computer graphics, but when it comes to the hand-made stuffs..forget it!!!

I was stupid enough to even buy the wrong wood! I guess i bought the compressed particle board without knowing that is not even wood! hahah..so when i drill and try to screw it together..it just felt apart on me!!!!!!


anyhow, that is my sad story..but i am still determined to set up my little self-built nano...BTW, you know how many gallon is that?

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Anthony.....the main tank is 7.48 gallons and the refuge is about 4 gallons depending on the water height. A hammer! You need to buy some tools! Gawd I love tools. :love:

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*sniff sniff* Lizbeth, where oh where were you when I was single? Truly a woman after my own heart.... Wait, I could be single again, yeah that's it! LIZBETH RUN AWAY WITH ME!! (I come complete with table saw,bandsaw, sliding miter saw with laser guide attachment *ooh ooh*,air compressor, every corded and cordless tool know to man and...... hehe)


Oh yeah, I cook too!



Anyway.... nice job on your glass drilling, can't wait to see pics of the completed project!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by glazer

(I come complete with table saw, bandsaw, sliding miter saw with laser guide attachment *ooh ooh*,air compressor, every corded and cordless tool know to man and......   hehe)


Oh yeah, I cook too!  



glazer darlin'......I missed this post. Too bad we live so far apart we could share tools. I have a table saw, two radial arm saws, a drill press, a lovely mahogany workbench, various corded and cordless tools......but I don't have a sliding miter saw with laser guide attachment :love:.


And you cook too!!! *heavy sigh* I'm really good at eating!


Maybe it's a good thing you live sooo far away. ;)

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  • 3 months later...

Thank you reefan. I know about final fantasy (I have a teenage son) but I have no clue as to what you are talking about. Is there something I should know? ???

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Do any of these look the same as your drilling bits:






How about these sanding drums:





I was just reading about cutting holes in glass last night. I'm glad this thread popped up here! Pictures make it a lot clearer.

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