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Macro Algae


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Keeping Macro algae in your tank. I was wondering if there are any benefits in keeping macro algae in your main tank? I have a bunch of macro algae growing in my tank and was wondering if I should remove it or leave it in there.

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you will need to trim it from time to time...you don't want it to overtake your whole tank. Other wise..theya re great, visually pleasing and good food source for some of your fish...and should help you to lower your nitrates...

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i'd keep it out of your main tank in case it gets out of control unless you have a tang to control it. it'll probably just eat it all within a day though. i can't think of a benefit other than aesthetics, which can be quite good actually.


i'd put it in the sump or refugium. the refugium's a good choice because the *pods could use the macro for shelter. the macro's a great choice for nutrient export though. keep it trimmed otherwise it may germinate/release spores (or as we like to say 'go sexual!' :blush: )

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i have macro algea in my tank, but the reason why i have it there is to consume nitrates, and other elements that cyano bacteria likes...and its working too :)


and now that i have it..i think ill keep it..to prevent later outbreaks... :)

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