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Rant about my pico/contest experience


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I've now got the sump and display together. Still a bit of work to do to clean up all the silicone but this now puts me on track to at least be able to plumb and fill the system on the weekend.


I had to install the bulkheads first because the wier is so small, they won't fit in later.


The sump pump will be installed outside the sump to reduce the heat in the system. I my put it back in during winter to save on heating.







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Oh no, I've turned into a serial poster :blush:


Thought I'd post some more progress. I've plumbed the sump pump through a bulkhead. This is because the pump is 35W so It will heat up the water too much. I'll use it as an in-sump pump during winter.

I've also plumbed the wier. I used irrigation pipe because it's easy to use. A few people say that this type of piping can leach phosphate. I'm not sure about that but for my fresh water test I'll use RO and run some PhosBan for 48hours just to be sure.





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Great build and great thread! I got through to the last post before I spotted that you are from Aus - so even better! Really look forward to how this turns out.

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Thanks guys, Cant' wait to fill it up this weekend. Just need to make a little shelf. In the meantime, I'll set it up for the FW test and flush tonight.

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What kind of bulkheads are you using? Those look like they are good for a 3000g tank lol

Nice build so far.





:P Ha, yea, I'm trying to use some of the junk I've collected over the years. Those big ones are usually for water tanks. They definately won't leak, but i very careful tightening them because the glass is so thin.


I'll have this running with fresh water by this afternoon. I've had to make up some water with salt mix because we've had too much rain here lately to collect. I've never used Artificial water before so I'm hoping and testing so everything is ok.

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums
Oh no, I've turned into a serial poster :blush:


Thought I'd post some more progress. I've plumbed the sump pump through a bulkhead. This is because the pump is 35W so It will heat up the water too much. I'll use it as an in-sump pump during winter.

I've also plumbed the wier. I used irrigation pipe because it's easy to use. A few people say that this type of piping can leach phosphate. I'm not sure about that but for my fresh water test I'll use RO and run some PhosBan for 48hours just to be sure.








Talk about innovation! B)

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Irrigation piping is plastic...

i know, but normally metal is used for heavy duty industrial stuff like water pipelines, I'd be afraid it would break the glass...

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The system is now running with salt water. I'll let it run for few days before adding my livestock so I can make sure all's good. I still need to set up the ATO float valve. not sure when I'll get onto that.


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Ran the system for 12 hours with nil leaks or issues so I'll put some Live Rock in there this afternoon so I'll be ready for kick off on April 1. I'm looking forward to see if this system is viable and maintainable.

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Doh! I haven't done anything to the system for nearly a week so I had it sitting with no power.seems my silicone work is not quite perfect and Ive got a small leak in my weir. This meant that during the week my display tank volume slowly dripped into the sump. Just fixed it but it puts me back a couple of days. Should be right to stock on April 1.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sure does, I've not been able to collect any water because of some bad weather but the water is perfect again now so I picked up 240 litres last night. That means I'll get it wet and get my live rock in today. Pics soon,,,

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Filled and partially scaped. Didn't spend a whole lot of time selecting my rocks as you can see but I'll have a play around over the next couple of weeks and get this looking decent with the rocks I've got in there already. Threw a few easy corals in for now. I'll see how they go and add anything a bit more adventurous toward the end of the month if all is stable. Otherwise I'll stick it out with the simple softies.

Right side


Same side but looking the other way


From front left corner


Top view, plenty of water movement




Added a small bag of GFO and GAC to the wier


And the final dimensions and depth of the tank




217mm x 453mm x 106mm = 10.32 litres or 2.72 Gal

Sump ended up totaling 9.43 litres or 2.49 Gal


For my system water I'm using the waste water from my main display tank which is a 550 litre system. That may sound strange but my water quality is excellent and I maintain elevated levels of Ca, Mg and Alk which means that I shouldn't have to dose the pico other than water changes. My waste water is 0 nitrate and close to 0 Phosphate (hanna checker only is accurate to 0.02ppm) I only get readings of 0 with my checker. This is not ideal as my corals are always a bit faded. I'd prefer to keep P04 at 0.03 but I've got some new clean rock in there and I'm sure it's absorbing the P04. So my system water, which I have 180 litres stored now, is Ca 480ppm, Alk 10.6 Dkh and Mg 1450ppm. I intend to do a 4 litre change twice per week which should minimise my params peaking and troughing too much.


I've still got to set up the ATO.

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Did my first water water change today. I'll be changing 4 litres twice a week. I did some tests on the waste water and was shocked to see that in 5 days since it has been filled, my ca dropped 30 ppm and my alk dropped a whopping 2.2 dkh. I thought that is a fair drop considering the tank has only been stocked for 5 days. I suspect growing snails and tube worms are the main calcifying organisms.

I'll have to monitor this carefully because at that rate, with the addition of More coral and coralline growth, water changes alone will not keep up with demand.

See how we go on the weekend, when the next water change is due.

Also added some frags of turbin, acan, duncan, birdsnest and Aussie war coral today. Photos on the weekend once they have settled.

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1 week in...






And some pics of frags for growth comparison.












Did the second water change yesterday and found that my Ca and Alk had dropped again by 30ppm and 2 Dkh.


I'm going to drip limewater for ATO this week and see what levels I maintain.

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