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Help me set up a cheap tank


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If you want to do cheap the best way is getting a running tank off craigslist. As someone said, you can get one between $50-200. I've seen them include ALL test kits, refractometer, heater, all filters, media--everything you need. Live rock, livestock...when you ad up individually- even used or cheap/sale prices, you will never get as good a price as a bundle. I strongly advise against piece meal if you really need to save $$$. I do a LOT of buying and selling on CL. You will get better quality equipment too then buying the cheapest thing you can find new. I purchased an AP 12 for $75 this included: heater, pumps, all testing supplies ($50 there alone) timers, additives, salt, hydrometer, lighting and filter built in. W/ livestock I've seen $100- $200 and that will be an even better deal. Just my experience. I've purchased over 6 tanks on craigslist and sold just as many. Bundling's the way to go! Sometimes I part out things i don't need and end up breaking even= free tank setup! :D

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Also, just want to point out what the math will look like, I think you're underestimating actual costs:


"I need:

Tank- $10

Heater- $18


Powerhead- $20


$70 without rock or sand. That's not terrible.I know it's not as cheap as bird watching but the point is I can't afford a $250 biocube."


$70 PLUS RODI cheapest one ebay $80, LR used 10lbs 2$/lb $20, hydrometer (refractometer better) $10, carbon and purigen or similar $20, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, calcium, Ph, AK test kits $30 (used), timer (unless you really want to plug/ turn on off lights every day at the same time and never leave home) $5, sand $20, + apparently used light and bulbs you got for free....bulb cost per year ?$30 minimum, salt $50. thermometer $2, extra powerhead for salt mix $10


So you're "cheap" setup is going to cost $337. without any live stock. bare minimum 1 fish, 5 soft coral $60 + 20 CUC= $417.


$417- I'm not trying to scare you out of the hobby, I just want you to think about all the acessories b/c they add up (and up and up!)


$310- Used setup with everything $150, add $50 things it doesn't have, +30 bulbs +80 RODI (assume not LED)= and its going to have probably a lot more coral! :)


JME buying and selling used and cheap :D

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If you are going to be doing a 10-15 Gallon tank, there's no need for an RO/DI unit. I'm not saying don't use quality water, I'm saying it doesn't make economical sense for a RO/DI unit. You can either buy distilled water or RO/DI from your local fish shop. It is more expensive per gallon than an RO/DI unit, but it's going to take years and years before you ever make up the cost of the RO/DI unit. With 30% monthly water changes, you are going to be doing 36 gallons of salt a year, and another 30 gallons of evaporation. Most LFS sell water between 0.20-0.40$/gal for fresh and at 70 gallons a year, that's only 21$ a year on average. It's going to take you 4 years to recover the cost of the cheapest RO/DI unit.

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and my LFS (N Va) charges .50 a gallon. Which is the least of your expense. Everyone here is right, it's expensive, but if you do it right the first time, you'll be successful and won't be buying twice. I'm thinking about a 40g-ish, with a rimless tank, custom stand, LED out of the box, sump, protein skimmer, the list goes on forever, I'd be lucky to get out under 4K. I've decided to take my time, do it right, might take me the better part of a year to get the tank wet, but it will be worth it.

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and my LFS (N Va) charges .50 a gallon. Which is the least of your expense. Everyone here is right, it's expensive, but if you do it right the first time, you'll be successful and won't be buying twice. I'm thinking about a 40g-ish, with a rimless tank, custom stand, LED out of the box, sump, protein skimmer, the list goes on forever, I'd be lucky to get out under 4K. I've decided to take my time, do it right, might take me the better part of a year to get the tank wet, but it will be worth it.

Ouch. Some of the places around here charge not that much more for Salted.


I have worked up a couple of dream tanks, and I end up in that 3-4K range before live stock. So I sit and enjoy the 10 gallon setup I have till I win the lotto. Might take a while as I never play.

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Until I get it all together, I'll be loving the 20g long I set up last month. Going to Vegas this week, if I win (never have before, break even a lot, but never ahead) I'm "building me some reef"...lol

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