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feeding xenia


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does xenia eat phyto placnton? i have some kent phyto plex and was wondering if i should feed it to the xenia.

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anthony, i think it is still alive. i see one of the arms pulse once in a while. i turned it around so the current blows it up more and it is in the brightest spot of the tank. i got some more xenia today that was on sale at the lfs and it is doing fine and pulsing away so i know it's not my water. i think the shipping just did a number on it. i think the xenia will recover and soon will be pulsing along right beside the new one;) by the way, i PM'ed you

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by the way anthony, the GSP and ricordia are doing great. i want to feed the ricordia but cant find anything to feed it. what do you suggest to feed it?

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it loves clams, shrimps, scallop, or even formula one...but remember to feed him meaty food..and also try to turn off the current while feeding so the food won't blow away..

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actually nobody is sure of the feeding habbits of Xenia. It is thought that the pulsing is for respiration, although that is not fact. as for them being filter feeders of DT's phytoplankton I doubt it, but I'm sure the other filter feeders in there like it.

If you can find any info please post it as I am curious as well.



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I agree with toyfreak here... If you notice however, if you add particulats to the water (i.e. baby brine, or phyto) the xenia will pulse more often... This has let many people to believe that they will filter feed, but some speculate that this might just be a reflex left over from an earlier ancestor which actually used the pumping motion for feeding... I can tell you however, that the most important thing for xenia is water motion! This is truely what keeps it happy and healthy! I don't know what happened to your xenia, but it sounds serious! I hope the guy ends up being ok!! I killed 1/2 of mine durring the move from college, but now it is bigger than it has ever been. I hope you too will have a similar ending!!

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IMO, xenia pumps to trap free floating particles in the water, specially if you give them low water flow..

and at medium to high flow, theres a chance that they will not pulse at all because enough food passes through their mouth.


but like toyfreak said, the actual source is unknown.. all hobbyist thinks different..some say for respiration, some say for food, some say because of current, some say because of low PH, and some say it doesnt pulse because its a false pulsing xenia...

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speaking of zenia, does anyone know if it emits a toxin to eliminate competitors nearby?? I have a colt coral that is being surrounded by Xenia (damn thing splits almost every week now, if anyone wants some let me know..) and my colt will not open anymore. Do to the configuration of my tank I can't really move either one.


Anyone have any ideas?

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Originally posted by spectre

speaking of zenia, does anyone know if it emits a toxin to eliminate competitors nearby?? I have a colt coral that is being surrounded by Xenia (damn thing splits almost every week now, if anyone wants some let me know..) and my colt will not open anymore. Do to the configuration of my tank I can't really move either one.


Anyone have any ideas?


DEFINITELY! I think all corals do that, but soft corals much more. Try and move something.


I don't feed my xenia anything. I think the pulsing is a resperatory function and also to expell waste.



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