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Hawks Noob Biocube Thread


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Oops, in anticipation of fish I added some purigen to my rack, however the bag I put it in was not fine enough and soon enough I had purigen pellets floating around. I found another bag I had and that seems to be working, hopefully the floss will take it all out.


Do check the mesh of your bags people!

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All Param's 0. a little Purigen got loose today, which was annoying, my bags are not fine enough to contain it. Ill be on the lookout tomorrow. Must get tiny mesh bags.


got some Ocellaris clowns.




i hope my chaeto does well, ill do some light requirement searching.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Things have been cruising along here for quite a while! my 2 clowns and one yellow watchman goby have been doing excellent, getting bigger, still very active and i'm loving them, getting some good coraline growth and params are great, a few water changes here and there, glass stays clean all by itself. I have quite the cleanup crew. I had some red hair algea but added some margarita snails and they took care of it in 2 days.

blue legged hermits, dwarf cerith, Florida Cerith, nerites, margarita


I seem to be losing some nassarius snails though?? here's a happy clown and goby





What i do have is this strange hard thin red '''''stuff'''??? a large patch on the top rock right were my powerhead points. which i thought would curtail any algea from the top rock which gets the most light.


and another view



and a tiny patch on a bottom rock



it doesnt seem to be spreading anymore. the snails and crabs cant seem to make a dent in it. any ideas folks?


I'm on the lookout for coral deals. ive seen some websites/ebay offer 5 rics and 5 zoa's for 100$ which seems like a decent deal to me. I keep looking on craigslist, but nothing great nearby.

If you're in the east SF bay area and want to sell some corals HMU!!!


i think once i get the corals in I'd call this tank a success as long as she stays clean! I don't have super high goals for this tank, its a first tank and I would just be super happy if it stays living and happy and clean for a long time.

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  • 4 weeks later...


New Full Tank Shot!



Also got some corals off craigslist for all 4 for 30$ A ric









more zoas



and Dr. Manhattan the watchman goby!



The clowns are happy and the tank is staying clean on its own!


looks like the blue leg crabs are working on that brown algae though it spreads.

still unidentified.

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  • 3 months later...

Well things were going swimmingly, great growth on the corals, but we got what i think is a cyano outbreak it's red sand?




Ive reduced feedings, did a water change and lowered the lights, but to no avail. i dont really have any sand cleaning snails, perhaps i should pick some up. any ideas? the TDS on my RO is pretty high, up to 40 ppm.. i ordered new carbon and filter from BRS and also ordered a DI unit to add. so that hopefully helps. gonna put gfo in the tank soon as well.


also, that brown algea we see on the top rock and spot on the lower right rock in previous pictures has really taken off. here is a close up.




any ideas on what can be done? none of my snails or crabs seem to make much dent and its spreading. what is the protocol for swapping out your live rock? any way it can be done?

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  • 3 weeks later...


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