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zoanthid fragging


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Ok. so what I want to know is how can you frag zoanthids without waiting for them to spread? is it possible? I know on garf.org is says that with palythoa you can cut the stem and sew the head to a new rock. The stem will eventually grow a new head and the head will eventually attach to the rock. Does the same principle apply to zoanthids? I have a bunch of different color varieties on one rock and would like to frag some of one specific type, but I don't want to kill my zoos.

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try cutting around the polyp with a sharp razor knife, then where it is attached to the rock or what ever it is attached to ,scrape it with a credit card or or little plastic algae scrapers. Then put them on a new rock with a dab of locktite gel and cover them up with some bridal net for a few weeks until they attach.

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break up the rock with a hammer and chisel (i use a short screw driver). have gel super glue and rocks ready to make new colonies. let glue cure underwater. just did it tonight actually to a few colonies. i too like to uncombine combo rocks. just FYI the same principle does not apply to zoanthids as does palythoa.

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Zoo fragging depends on the size of the polyps. For palythoa and larger polyped Zoo's not attached at their base by a matte, you can frag them like you would a mushroom coral, by cutting off the cap. The toothpick method of propogating might work better than fishing line to secure the cutting but either will work.


For a matte zoo, the most sure fire way to frag it is to break it up/cut it and attach the small pieces of base rock to a new rock plug. Gel crazy glue is the best to use in this instance.


Be very careful when fragging zoo's. Palythoa contain palytoxin, which is very deadly and can kill you if it gets in a cut or a body opening. Wear gloves when fragging zoo's and wash your hands thoroughly after fragging each coral. Never scratch an itch or touch your mouth/eyes when fragging a zooanthus. I'm very serious, zoo's are quite toxic.

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And somepeople will notice a sensitivity to exposed skin. I fragged a few rocks, put the new zoos in the tank, and a few were injured a bit. just having my bare arms and hands in the tank caused my skin to get rashy and itchy. it burned a bit slightly for a few hours as well.


I have really fair skin from being a red head, but just keep it in mind when fragging. that toxin can cause all sorts of nasty

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