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Coral Vue Hydros

GSP coming out at wierd time?


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I got some GSP's a little over a week ago. They have been doing fine for the first week.


Now they only come out when it is dawn of dusk time in the tank.


Should I move them lower in the tank?

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what exactly is your question?


Are you watching the tank the entire day and you're sure that the GSP only come out for a bit in the morning and then at night?

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They are starting to look bleached now at the fringes of the purple mat. I think I will try to go for a really short photo period now.

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A little update. I put my Aquaclear 101 powerhead at more of a direct flow angle and they have fully extended like I have never seen before! Now all I need is for the mat to grow enough to where I can take the rock out and sell or trade it.

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matt the fiddler

"They are starting to look bleached now at the fringes of the purple mat"


like sps, that is the sign of growth on a gsp.. don't worry about it!

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My GSP are now dormant for 3 more days. Jeez what is goin on with them. I put them in an area of more flow now and hopefully they come out, those shy little guys.

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Mine now seem to be doing great! I am hoping they will spread to the LR in my tank and then I could cut the small seeding rock and have something to trade! :)

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