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Mushroom ID


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I spotted an interesting little coral while visiting the lfs yesterday. Under their lights it was a sort of minty sage green. Under my lights.....a whole different story. The owner could not remember the name of this particular type of mushroom. Needless to say, the price was right and he is now the newest member of my tank. I really enjoy him. Would someone be kind enough to tell me the name of it? Thank you.


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I thought that too Kevin. It looks a tiny bit like a Rock Flower Anemone. The Lfs says it's an odd mushie.


And i thought that too :D (rock flower [for palythoa it has to much tentacles, hasn´t it?])

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It does sort of resemble a paly, but does not have the long foot/stem like most palys do. I could be wrong in thinking that all palys have a long foot/stem.

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I vote nem, not pally...


Poke it and see what it does. If it turns into a little nub, pally. Goes into a hole, nem. Rolls into a ball, mushroom.

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X, when I gave a poke to one of my palys, it curled up almost into a nubbin. When I poked one of my zoas, it automatically closed up into a nubbin. When I poked at one of the mushrooms, it just ignored me. They usually shrink up into a tiny disk. When I poked, (had to massage) the new guy, he drew his skirt rows inward, and took on the appearance of a ball. Within moments, he opened back up.

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X, when I gave a poke to one of my palys, it curled up almost into a nubbin. When I poked one of my zoas, it automatically closed up into a nubbin. When I poked at one of the mushrooms, it just ignored me. They usually shrink up into a tiny disk. When I poked, (had to massage) the new guy, he drew his skirt rows inward, and took on the appearance of a ball. Within moments, he opened back up.

Sounds like a nem

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I googled 'rock anemone' and came upon a nice anemone reference web page. It looks like my guy might fall under the Epicystis sp. rock anemone. Quite a close resemblance. In some of the images of the Epicystis, it looks as if the anemone could get somewhat invasive. Does anyone have any experience with this one, or have heard any reports that it is a "bad' nem? I was beginning to get an uneasy feeling that it might be a majano.


Here is a link to a post from one of our own N-R members, regarding the rock anemone.

Another N-R link.

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Definitely not like a mojano that I've ever seen. Most of those have club-like tips.


Honestly, I don't know much about what you've got, care or invasiveness. I would, however, consider getting in touch with the LFS and letting them know what they ACTUALLY sold you lol

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I would, however, consider getting in touch with the LFS and letting them know what they ACTUALLY sold you lol


That's on the to-do list 4 sure!

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