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Lighting for a 16 bow (20")--Any suggestions??


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Hello, I'm in the process of setting up a 16bow nano in my office. I've decided to go with CF, or at least the thinking now.


I have this narrowed down to either 2 36W retro from AHSupply or the 96W quad. Any pro/cons of each?


If you have a 20" setup, I'd like to know what you use. The tank will be dedicated to just softies and zoos.


Thanks in advance.

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i have a 10 gallon i have the custom sealife 2 x 40wt with moon light. the light is now called obitit light made by current usa of somthing. i have no problem keeping anything i even have sps frags. i like the two bulb setup better because you can do a dusk to dawn by letting the atinics go on first and off last.

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I'm kinda hesitant about buying anything by CSL since they're not around anymore.


Didn't think about the 40W, how long are they?


Also, anyone else with experience with the quad?

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I have a powerquead, it works great had good growth with it. But like drunkfish said no way to run actinic only for dusk effect. however I did add a moonlite for nite time viewing.

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After about a year of use, I cant stand the powerquad. It's color isnt very nice (rather yellow really), it runs hot, and the fans are noisemakers now.


OTOH, I love each and every one of my halides. A 150wattDE halide would be great over a 16bow...with say, a 15,000 - 20,000K bulb. Your options are open for the fixture, anywhere from $25 for the fixture if you just want a reflector and socket for a DIY hood, up to $90 for a powder coated finished pendant. There are many ballasts available, all the way up to the $120 icecap brand, but many others can be had for much less. And bulbs will range from $50 - $95. Overall operating costs on this will be lower (on electricity as well as bulb replacement) in the long run than any power compact you go with, your corals will grow much better under the more complete halide output, and it will be the only & last light you will need for any coral you want to try.

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yes, one of those who brave I-66 every morning.....


I like your setup, albeit bright, especially the led fans.


I think I might just go with the AH supply 2X36W setup after some thought. I don't plan to keep any sps (maybe a montipora frag near the top), but doner zoos, mushrooms and xenia from my main tank.


What type of skimming are you using? I was thinking a prizm since they're cheap.

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I get mine through premium aquatics. I piece it together (not DIY, just part it together). I use an icecap ballast ($110ish), a PFO pendant ($100ish), and the bulb varies from $50-$90. Marine depot sells the same things...

Funny thing is that the 250watt halides are the cheapest ones...








wire it up, and youre ready to rock!! (live rock that is...)


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Dude, tha forum messed up my post bad!!! I typed it in right, but the links are all out of order!!! You can figure it out though.

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I had a question on MH lighting. I see that you said you used a pendant, is that a hanging light? I would like to use MH lights, but I am not sure that a Hanging Light would necessarily be good for where we are planning on putting the tank. So I have always leaned towards hoods, not to mention a certain 'Cat' of ours might be too interested in the tank. :)


My wife has been leaning towards one of the 96w quads for the 10gal nano that she is looking to setup. The price looks good, and again it sounds like a hood type of setup. I saw a hood setup that used 2 40w lights instead, not sure if that is a better way to go. Her claim is that she only wants to put in 'Soft' corals, she loves zoo's, mushrooms the most. Any suggestions are welcome....



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Again on the powerquads, is the problem associated with the coralife products (with the magnetic ballasts), or is it also with the hellolights retrofit (with the electronic ballast)?


My guess is the reason for the price difference ($97 vs $129) is the ballast.

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She doesnt want to 'Retrofit' anything. So we saw the full "96w" lights at HelloLights and they seemed to be a good deal. Do you have any other lighting suggestions?



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The 96watt ends up just as much a pendant as a halide because of all the heat it makes...you will most likely have to use the optional mounting legs (stilts) to place the quad over the tank. The other disadvatage of the coralife is that the bulb is off center...so the tank is either going to get uneven light, or you will have to place the fixture off center a few inches.


As far as the heat...I would say that yes, the coralife pendants arent the best thing under the sun...but even with a better electronic ballast...it's still 96watts!!! Thats going to be a hot bulb no matter what. The CSL units made with these bulbs were pendants because of this. (even the 2x40wattPC has to be mounted above the water some...no way around this)


You can get halide pendants that are mounted a few inches over the tank...and instead of hanging them from the ceiling, a simple swingarm mounted to the tank will do. Either way, you are putting alot of watts over a 10 gallon...either way, you will end up with some sort of 'pendant' like setup regardless of the bulb. the only way around it is to make a box to house your lighting in (a canopy) and be sure to place fans in it to cool (with either type of light). Then, once again, you can still go with halide or power compact. The canopy style is up to you.

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Hmmm, ok I am thinking that I am leaning back towards the 2x40 lights, I guess they are now being made by that USA Current company, they look like the CSL lights. (or atleast they do on the websites) :)


I would be interested in putting in Halides, well atleast on my tank when I bring it back up, but never having done any type of electrical work... just a tad nervous about it. :)


When you have lights hanging over the tank, do you have nothing between the tank and the lights? We have always had atleast a glass cover over most of the tank.


Last question (for now), Swing Arm? Does anyone have any examples of these? That might be the way for us to go.


Sorry for all the questions. :)





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I have a Coralife 96watt on my 16G bow, and I love it. It fits just about perfect, the fans are quiet and I havent had a problem with the water heating up much, I just adjusted the heater to compensate for the extra heat- and my corals are alot happier after getting rid of the 15watt stock light!!

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yes, I still can't decide on the lighting. I noted that the tank of the month only uses 2 36W lights and looks good.


My inclanation now is to go with 2 36W (10K and a 50/50) retros from AHSupply, and maybe supplement with a 13W atinic from hellolights. Don't know if all that can fit in a hood, or worth the extra costs for bulb replacment in the future.


Or the 96 Quad...


Or MH....



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The Coralife 96 fits perfect on my tank with just the lip of the bow open...I wanted to add a atinic light to simulate dusk and dawn, but there just isnt enough room...With MH it depends on what you want to put in your tank, I started a FOWLR tank, was going to buy the 28watt 50/50, but after I got my first coral I was hooked and decided on the 96...with the 96 you can do most corals- I would just stay away from SPS.

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I'll look again at the quads. I've just heard bad things about the coralife (absolutly no flame intended!!!). That is, over time they become yellow/green. My guess this is because of the magnetic ballast.


The do have a electonic retro fit though.


BTW, I still haven't even got the tank yet (on Thurs). I do have the rock curing though, never seen such high NH4 levels.

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Everything works diffrent for diffrent people, my both my mom and my brother have 55G reefs and they both have used the Coralife with no problem...I am very happy with the lighting I have right now, and I would think that if someone is having s problem with their light turning grren or yellow- it might be time to replace the bulb....Plus I really like the look of the brushed metal on top of the tank:)

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