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Halogen lights


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I was thinking that Helogen lights might be cheaper than metal halide lights, because in australia metal halides are really expensive.

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Originally posted by herefishyfishy

Would it have the same growing power has MH though?


Hmmm , i'll have to ask the salesperson about that when i get my 80 litre tank....

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Problem is they don't come in the same Kalvin rateings as MHs do. Corals need at LEAST 6500K and 10,000K-20,000K is usually best.

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Most of the available halogen lights have a kelvin rating of around 3500 to 4500 if I am not mistaken. THere are a few specialty bulbs out there that are rated at 6500k. I recently tried a simple xenon filled car headlight bulb, but found that it did not produce as bright a light as my 27 watt PC. My next experiment will be using a 50watt 6500k spot on the 1 liter I'm setting up. The spot only comes in model with a 12 degree spread though. This will suit my needs, but would be impractical for a larger tank.

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