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Coral Vue Hydros

Trading Zoos


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I Have a few small zoo frags (varies between 10 to 30 polyps per frag ). I would like to trade for zoos of different colors preferably in Northern Cal. I will attach a untouched photo of the two colors I have right now.

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i've got some various colors if u wanna trade? green, orange, mixed, but i dont have pics right now...pm me, i'm in san jose, ca

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I've got a zoo colony the size of a fist that I want to trade. They've got brown skirts, green disks and orange mouths. I'm looking for some smaller different colors. Here's a pic if anyone's interested.




I can be reached at mlong@gric.com

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Hi reefmaster. I am really interested in those red skirts. I have nothing to trade other than xenia and Anthelia but, I would be happy to buy a frag from you. Please let me know if you are interested.


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I tried to email everyone who e mailed me. If I forgot anyone please email or post a pic of what you want to trade. Ocellaris I have thoses same zoos, If you put them under halides they color up pretty good,mine now have bright green skirts with green centers and the rings are starting to turn dark blue, all from brown with white centers when I got them.

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I've got them under AB 250w 20k DE's. The pic is a little washed out as the green is much more intense. I'd love to see these change colors, but would still like to trade for other variants. I've got a couple of these colonies.



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Hi, I'm in Stockton, and am really interested in both of those zoos. Are you only looking for zoos in return, or would some SPS frags be of interest? I have zoos, but not really exotic ones.


Here is an acro that I can frag

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I also have softies...I have a small yellow toadstool, kenya tree, colt, green rhodactis (metallic frilly green!), devils hand, and probably other stuff too. Here's a shot of kenya tree...

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Lastly, I have Green star polyps, a smallish frag of green monti capricornis, and frags of purple, brown, and green digitata.


This is a shot of yellow sarcophyton. The frag I'd trade is a bit smaller, but both are frags from the same coral...

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I'll try call you tomorrow. I'm gonna be in Sac fishing, and then I have to run to davis to pick up an order of fish/coral/clams/conchs that I placed as part of a group order.

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Hi, if you still have those zoos for trade, I am in so cal area... i have pics of my tank on the website... but if you cant tell what the zoos look like, let me know, i can send pics of them. I have green with orange center, brown with green center, brown with aquagreen center, and brown with bright green/yellow center.


Let me know


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