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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Need critical help - Bristle worm outbreak and cloudy tank


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I recently had a skunk cleaner shrimp die in the tank and have had a number of bristle worms dive out of their homes in the rock. The tank has gotten cloudy and I've had a number of amphipods that have seemed to die off.


I know that the only really bad thing to happen in a tank is something that happens quickly. This has happened overnight.


I have a single clownfish and it seems to be gasping for air. All of the chemistry, salinity, temperature seem to be normal.


Any suggestions. I've noticed that a few of these bristle worms are up to 7" long. I have a nano that's been established for about a year with minimal problems up to this point. 5.5gal HOB filter, 250gpm circulation pump about 11# LR and 5# LS. Only current inhabitants are the clown (been there for about 5 months) and two turbo snails and now about 35-40 bristle worms.


Should I siphon some of them out. I got the impression that they were not a real problem, but may well come out if stressed.


Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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I should probably also admit that I know they come out at times to dig around and are helpful. Would the lack of a shrimp "predator" be the only problem and possibly they're out and stirring up stuff making cloudy water? Don't know if a few 7" bristles are a serious problem for the fish either. Thanks again

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Well, was as I figured. Ended up with major failure and lost my fish. Seems most everything is nuked. Will need to clear out and start over. I hate putting things up like this but hope everything had a reasonably happy life while it lasted and will keep up with some more research before getting things back underway.


I'll be in touch.....

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