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Red fuzzy balls. What are they?


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Any idea on what this is? It just started growing out of nowhere in the sand. Should I remove? It looks kinda cool and its not really a nuisance, yet. Thanks!

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I could be mistaken, but it looks like red hair algae to me. any more pics, like from a different angle?

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It is an extremely bad nuisance algae. It is called "cotton candy" algae. If you touch it........all of the filaments will disperse in your tank and grow new colonies where they settle. Good Luck. Some people have completely torn down their ranks because of it.

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  • 8 months later...

Remove it as fast as you can. It is a plague to end all plagues! I have it all over my tank.


I HEAR that those huge mexican turbo snails (size of golfball) will eat it. I think they do, mine was, until it croaked of unknown causes.


I hate it, it will get everywhere. Luckily, it is easy to pull out, but it's nasty nasty stuff. Ditch it as fast as you can.



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try spihoning it out of your tank as you scrape it off the glass, i had green hair algea in a few spots during my cycle and would always siphon it out as i removed it. I would then kalk paste over the spot only if it was on the rocks. No hair algea anymore...

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  • 3 months later...

Hey, I know this is a thread from the past, but I want to CONFIRM that the large Mexican Turbo snails will eat this stuff. My tank was INFESTED with it, and two MT snails mowed it right down. I mean there is NOTHING left. This was in my 58g tank...they do tend to knock stuff over ...


Just following up ...



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