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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Finally starting a nano cube


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I've wanted to set up a mini reef tank for some time and just ordered a Nano cube. I"m well versed in tank keeping I( 125g African cichlid tank , 30g fresh water community , 20g Arfican grow out tank ) ...never ventured into salt water , I've been poking around here a few days and I find it very informative.

Someone posted in another thread READ,READ,READ.

I've learned alot ( but not nearly enough ) but I'm confused as to why such a nicely designed tank , has a filter system that everyone ends up not using ??

From what I've read so far I plan on putting live rock chunks in the first chamber and not using the sponge , can someone recommend a good carbon ?? I use Chem pure in the big tank

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I've always used Black Diamond in my reef tanks. It may cost a bit more but it's worth it.I do a water change every week so it's not too critical on my tank....but I use it anyway...Also the filter syster would prob be ok for fish but you don't need a sponge or bio balls for a reef tank

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