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Shrimp eating my snails?


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I have a 12g cube up for over a month and last week I added mu cleanup crew to the tank


6 Astraea Snails

1 Scarlet

1 Sally light foot


Took the sally back in 3 days after his aggressive nature to my other inhabits, LFS told me he would do fine with snails and shrimp, he will do fine alright, eating them. Anyway I picked up


2 Cerith Snails

2 Dwarf Blue leg hermits

4 Nassarius Snails

and a small peppermint shrimp hoping for a little Aiptasia control.


Today I find two of my Astraea snails dead and the peppermint and others going to town on him, Are the peppermints or anything that I added killing my snails? I am very cautious about my water parameters, I still check them daily and all is fine. Just curious about the death of my snails and why everyone seems to be eating on him, do I need to feed them anything? Or is everybody just having a free meal on the house due to some un-timely death?


thanks in advance.

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Yes, two hours for the snails and about five hours for both shrimp. All snails have lasted well over a week or so in the tank, it is just when I added the crabs and pepper shrimp did they die, and the bio-load was not that hight, there was a very small (0.25 ppm) spike in ammonia but that went away in a day and everything zeroed out, Nitrates at about 10-15 at the max, I do water changes once a week after the first algae bloom and take was finished cycling.

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Try feeding him!


When shrimp get hungry, they'll go after anything......


Try dropping in a few flakes and see if he gobbles'em up.

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