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Cultivated Reef

what is this thing?


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I found this yellow branchy thing washed up on the beach at Jekyll Island (off the GA coast)... I had no idea what it was but it looked interesting. I had it in a bucket of water, and that night i looked in and saw a bunch of little polyps coming out of the branches, which made me think it was a coral. i haven't been able to find out though.


it's still alive in my aquarium, although some of the yellow parts on the branches "flaked off" and exposed the dark part underneath. i have been cutting off parts that are obviously dead, and i believe there has been a little bit of new growth in certain other parts.


erg, i was going to insert a picture but i don't know how to on this new version of the site... anyone know how to upload a pic? i'll try "attach file" instead, but i don't know if it's going to work! if it does i hope someone can identify it.

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NICE ! A gift from Neptune !

Looks like a Leptogorgia sp. Its a sea finger Gorgonian

Kinda hard to keep, but not possible. The one branch is brown in the end. You can snip it near the area where the yellow flishy part is, and it will heal over it and perhaps grow. I do this with Sea whipps and sea blades all the time.

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man that is a nice gorgonian!! especially for free! if i were you i would put on some snorkel gear and swim out and see what else is out there. ive heard gorgonians are hard to keep but i have two different varieties in my minibow and both are doing well. just feed them dt's and all is well. one of mine is orange with red polyps and the other is purple with blue polyps. good luck and go see what else is out there.

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well i'd have to make another trip to jekyll to go snorkelling, but i don't think i'd find anything interesting even if i did... the water on most of the beaches is pretty sandy... i don't even think i'd want to stick my head under it :) good suggestion though, thanks. if/when i go back, i'll probably try to get out to the beach right as the tide goes out in hopes of finding more/better stuff! i found lots of neat things in the tide pools and on the shoreline like a big blue crab that would throw a bunch of sand on top of himself to hide, little catfish and other small fish, hermit crabs, a tiny jelly fish, a small sea squirt, gorgonians (obviously...there were more of the yellow ones than just this one that i picked up, btw), and who knows what else that i missed! oh i forgot all the sand dollars!! there were some washed up on the beach but TONS of them just off the shore in the water...


i'll try to keep it alive and hopefully will succeed. i figure either way i'm doing it a favor since it'd be dead and dried up on the beach right now if i hadn't rescued it. heh. i'll let you know in a month or two what happened!

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I love the color of that gorgonian, do feed it some phytoplankton as mentioned. I wish i could find that kinda stuff on the beach near my house, but all we get is sea weed and used needles.

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hmm you all think i should feed it something like kent's phytoplankton? i'm afraid to start adding food to the aquarium because it's very easy to OD... how would i go about feeding it? does it need to be target fed or would dripping a few drops in be all that's needed?


thanks for the help.

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Originally posted by mxpro32

 ive heard gorgonians are hard to keep but i have two different varieties in my minibow and both are doing well.  .


The only problem I have had with gorgonians is that they grow in odd ways, making it hard to place them without fragging them. I have one that fell (real small when I got it) and now it is sprouting out from gaps in the rock.


That one is sweet. Hopefully it will live.

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