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56 Watt Nano Cube


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I'm definately not the best photographer, and I don't have a webpage so I will have to make two posts to show you my tank but here's one. Lemme know what you guys think.:unsure:

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Its been up since January 1/27/04 to be exact I guess its been barely 3 months. So not long, but comming along. Thanks again for comments. Sorry the pics are kinda fuzzy, I am really not good at taking pics. :happy:

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One or two more pics here goes....hey is there a good free webhost out there so I can post my pics on a personal webpage so I can include all my pics in one post on here? If anybody knows lemme know I did some searches but came back with some weird webhosts. Ok Take Care thanks again guys/gals, and lemme know whatcha think!

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The tank looks great!! I have a question about your 56 watt set up....Do you have a link to what you did to the tank??? I may look into doing what you did. It s very impressive. I have the standard nano cube lighting.


Also, I have a yellow leather as you do. It's doing ok, but I think that since these are light loving corals, I'd like to step it up. Do you notice them really liking the extra light?

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Do you have a link to what you did to the tank? here's the link I got goin for my 96 watt retrofit project.

http://www.nano-reef.com/forums/showthread...62&goto=newpost My lights are comming this week 2 more 32 watt CSL kits at 39 bucks each. I unfortunately didn't take any pics when i setup my 56 watt retofit, but basically it was simple all I did was pop off the plastic cover, put a sheet of cardboard over the water surface, bend the exsisting reflector, and drill two small holes at the back end of the reflector, then I fed both the new CSL's ballast and the exsiting jbj 24 watt ballast under and through the exsiting slits in the reflector. Ok take care and good luck. Clute btw have any pics on your 64 watt setup or any input on my 96 watt project? Ok take care:teehee:

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Brisk oh hey sorry, yes the Yellow Leather from Tonga/Fiji is loving the new lights, it has grown significantly since then, as have my GSP's and my Xenia as one might figure. :D I think buying good lighting, is probably one of the bets investments for your tank. :happy:

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CT nano reefer

try photobucket.com they offer free photo hosting, and you can hotlink your photo from the site directly to this BB..HTH..by the way, tank looks awsome...!

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Nice Cube DitchPlains,

I like toadstool and yellow leathers.

I don’t see many around here 4-sale, seems most people are getting zoos or SPC.

If you are looking for a place just for pictures, check out yahoo.

I have pics of my ALIFE on Yahoo Photos.


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Thanks for the compliments (Rick and CT) and I will try that out CT, photobucket huh? cool. :teehee: I will be getting these lights soon and I will show the work. I am really excited to have 96 watts pumping through this little baby, I hope its not too intense for my clowns, but I have read elsewhere that this amount of 9.6 watts per gallon isn't overwhelming and they will adjust. It will be perfect for my RBTA in about 3 months (thats when my tank will reach 6 months old:D ) I am also looking foward to getting some mor SPS right now only one is that tiny Bali Slimer I got. Would love some of Birdman's Pink Acro...wink wink Ok take care all I'm out.

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Ditch, that digi will be fraggable sometime soon, Frags are almost always free too. It is way more colorful now than in those pics Gil took, Lemme know if you ever come out to the west coast. I also know some local reefers to you... Maybe someday.... a shipment will head their way..... ;)


OK, you are really making me want a nanocube.... dam you!

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Hehe! Thanks for the compliments, so who's your contact out here on the east coast, cause I'd love to get my hands on some of that pink acro.....j/k I understand if you won't reveal your sources, but lemme know if they might willing to make a trade. Yeah I love my Nano Cube, but I want a MInibow 5 or 7 soon, maybe a purely anenmone tank...just one beautiful RBTA, and lots of room for him/her to grow, maybe some chromis (mixed blue n green) or perhaps a black/white clown or maroon to live in the RBTA...ahhh dreams....well I could make them happen, but my gf mightl not appreciate me paying yet more attention to my tanks...lol I just saw the tank of the month over at reefkeeping...Holy jesus...can you SPS batman? lol I'm just imaginging eating on a beautiful reef break with that awaiting me underneath.....ouch!! lol but looks great in a tank at home ..lol Ok take care man. Cannot believe its brighter pink than that pink...all I got to say is WOOHOO and send me some..lol:happy:

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